Known Bugs

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Current Bugs

Core Stop Bug

  • Short Summary

This bug will stop the core and is controller only. It causes a few visual bugs when using abilities, and cause some to just not fire properly.

Stopping Bug Examples

Coreflipstop.gif Coreflipchargestopbug.gif

  • Ody Response

- Qa | KalvinAstrov

Usually we don’t comment on bugs we’re actively fixing, but I felt it would be appropriate to update the high elo for this one— and likely will for general OS community later in the afternoon.

Currently, this is one of the larger bugs we’re working on fixing. I believe this is the third or fourth iteration we’ve found since 2.0, and it seems to be able to creep its way back into another branch of our game every time we believe we’ve flushed it out. We are doing our best to get it fixed in a fast and timely manner, along with many in the barrel of other bugs that have been reported.

In the mean time, this is considered by our team to be an exploit. If you have clips of someone performing this in a match outside of friendly customs, please submit a ticket in-game and through discord.

Affinity Update Visual Bug

  • Short Summary

Affinity doesn't always immediately update after being gained.

  • Ody Response

- Moderator | Sigg

The affinity UI is bugged any may not always show your actual progress. Restarting your game will force it to update, allowing you to claim any level rewards you've earned.

Ody’s Stance on Bugs

- QA | KalvinAstrov

While it may seem like radio silence on our end when it comes to stuff like this, I want to make it clear: We see you guys, we hear you guys, and we understand the frustration many of you are feeling because of these issues. All I can ask of you guys is to know that behind the scenes we are working hard at this, and to give us time.

Fixed Bugs

Strike Shot Visual Bug

  • Short Summary

Range of strike shot either displays improperly, or does not display at all when cooldown is over. This does not affect strike shot’s distance or usage, just indication.

  • Ody Response

- Ody | XDME

Heads up that the tactical callout feature doesn't always work in-game. This can either be for a single match or it can occur in multiple matches in a row. We are looking into this issue currently, but do not have a known fix ATM.