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[""] = {
		Striker = "",
		Name = "",
		Slot = "",
		Desc = "",
		Keyword = { "" },
		Cooldown = ,
		CoreKB = "",
		PlayerKB = "",
		Damage = "",

local p = {}
local abilities = {
	--Strike generic
	["Strike"] = {
		Striker = "Ai.Mi",
		Name = "Strike",
		Slot = "Strike",
		Desc = "Knock the Core in a direction with a LIGHT MELEE hit.",
		Keyword = { "MELEE" },
		Cooldown = 0.9,
		CoreKB = "1230 + 125%",
		PlayerKB = "150 + 75%",
		Damage = "75 + 37%",
	["Glitch.Pop"] = {
		Striker = "Ai.Mi",
		Name = "Glitch.Pop",
		Slot = "Primary",
		Desc = "Launch a glitch orb that grows as it travels. The orb bursts on recast or max range, hitting enemies away from its center point.",
		Keyword = { "IMPACT", "PROJECTILE" },
		Cooldown = 8,
		CoreKB = "1300 + 160%",
		PlayerKB = "160 + 80%",
		Damage = "160 + 80%",
	["Cyber Swipe"] = {
		Striker = "Ai.Mi",
		Name = "Cyber Swipe",
		Slot = "Secondary",
		Desc = "Blink to a location. On arrival, swipe enemies in an arc with your tail. ",
		Keyword = { "TELEPORT", "MELEE", "IMPACT" },
		Cooldown = 14,
		CoreKB = "1315 + 192%",
		PlayerKB = "210 + 104%",
		Damage = "210 + 104%",
	["Firewall Sentry"] = {
		Striker = "Ai.Mi",
		Name = "Firewall Sentry",
		Slot = "Special",
		Desc = "Summon a turret that launches a firewall of technostatic in a fixed direction. Each bolt hits the first enemy struck. ",
		Keyword = { "PROJECTILE", "CREATION" },
		Cooldown = 30,
		CoreKB = "819 + 91%",
		PlayerKB = "140 + 69%",
		Damage = "140 + 69%",
	["Barrier Beam"] = {
		Striker = "Asher",
		Name = "Barrier Beam",
		Slot = "Primary",
		Desc = "Create a barrier while firing a blast that knocks away enemies near its center but deals a LIGHT hit to others. The barrier deals LIGHT hits and breaks when it touches an enemy. If cast on your side of the field, the barrier is larger and unbreakable. ",
		Keyword = { "MELEE", "IMPACT", "CREATION" },
		Cooldown = 8,
		CoreKB = "1380 + 200%",
		PlayerKB = "200 + 100%",
		Damage = "200 + 100%",
	["Breakthrough"] = {
		Striker = "Asher",
		Name = "Breakthrough",
		Slot = "Secondary",
		Desc = "Gain a defensive buff and charge forward, stopping on the first enemy hit and knocking nearby enemies back. The buff grants 30% knockback resistance and 25% damage reduction for 5s but loses its effects if you are staggered. ",
		Keyword = { "DASH", "MELEE", "BUFF" },
		Cooldown = 18,
		CoreKB = "1240 + 129%",
		PlayerKB = "130 + 64%",
		Damage = "130 + 64%",
	["Pathsplitter"] = {
		Striker = "Asher",
		Name = "Pathsplitter",
		Slot = "Special",
		Desc = "Combine both shields and launch them forward. If they hit an enemy, they expand into a slow-moving, destructible barrier that can repeatedly hit enemies. Deals reduced damage after the first hit. ",
		Keyword = { "PROJECTILE", "CREATION" },
		Cooldown = 35,
		CoreKB = "793 + 38%",
		PlayerKB = "120 + 60%",
		Damage = "120 + 60%",
	["Astral Projection"] = {
		Striker = "Atlas",
		Name = "Astral Projection",
		Slot = "Primary",
		Desc = "Launch a decelerating arc barrier that deals a single hit to each enemy it collides with.",
		Keyword = { "PROJECTILE" },
		Cooldown = 8,
		CoreKB = "1320 + 170%",
		PlayerKB = "170 + 85%",
		Damage = "160 + 80%",
	["Cosmic Expanse"] = {
		Striker = "Atlas",
		Name = "Comsic Expanse",
		Slot = "Secondary",
		Desc = "Construct an expanding ring of light that quickly vanishes. The ring will persist and begin to shrink if it hits any enemies, dealing subsequent hits to enemies who collide with it. ",
		Keyword = { "CREATION" },
		Cooldown = 22,
		CoreKB = "1340 + 179%",
		PlayerKB = "180 + 89%",
		Damage = "180 + 89%",
	["Celestial Intervention"] = {
		Striker = "Atlas",
		Name = "Celestial Intervention",
		Slot = "Special",
		Desc = "Summon a celestial guardian that continuously heals nearby allies. The guardian rescues any ally that would be K.O.'d, transporting them to its location and restoring 25% of their {{Stagger}} Stagger bar.",
		Keyword = { "CREATION" },
		Cooldown = 45,
		CoreKB = "",
		PlayerKB = "",
		Damage = "",
	["Lock and Load"] = {
		Striker = "Drek'ar",
		Name = "Lock and Load",
		Slot = "Primary",
		Desc = "Blast nearby enemies with a powerful cone of energy that extends into LIGHT hit bullets. 2 charges. ",
		Keyword = { "MELEE", "IMPACT", "PROJECTILE" },
		Cooldown = 7.5,
		CoreKB = "1320 + 170%",
		PlayerKB = "170 + 85%",
		Damage = "170 + 85%",
	["Xeno Cloak"] = {
		Striker = "Drek'ar",
		Name = "Xeno Cloak",
		Slot = "Secondary",
		Desc = "Become invisible and gain 50% {{Speed}} Speed for 1s",
		Keyword = { "HASTE" },
		Cooldown = 12,
		CoreKB = "",
		PlayerKB = "",
		Damage = "",
	["Molten Bolt"] = {
		Striker = "Drek'ar",
		Name = "Molten Bolt",
		Slot = "Special",
		Desc = "Launch a sticky bomb that hits and burns the first enemy struck for 2.5s, slowing and damaging them over time. The effect can spread to nearby enemies.",
		Keyword = { "PROJECTILE", "DEBUFF" },
		Cooldown = 30,
		CoreKB = "1400 + 209%",
		PlayerKB = "120 + 60%",
		Damage = "60 + 30%",

	["Strike"] = {
		Striker = "Dubu",
		Name = "Strike",
		Slot = "Strike",
		Desc = "Knock the Core in a direction with a LIGHT MELEE hit.",
		Keyword = { "MELEE" },
		Cooldown = 0.9,
		CoreKB = "1230 + 125%",
		PlayerKB = "150 + 75%",
		Damage = "75 + 37%",
	["Evade"] = {
		Striker = "Dubu",
		Name = "Evade",
		Slot = "Evade",
		Desc = "When not fully charged, spend Energy to briefly become ELUSIVE, avoiding all incoming damage and knockbacks. Casting an ability ends this effect early. Gains additional effects if cast with 100% Energy.",
		Cooldown = 3,
	["Energy Burst"] = {
		Striker = "Dubu",
		Name = "Energy Burst",
		Slot = "Burst",
		Desc = "Spend all of your Energy to EVADE and unleash an additional burst of power. This knocks back and stuns enemies momentarily, briefly grants you exclusive control of the Core, and dramatically increases the power of your next hit against it.",
		Cooldown = 3,
		PlayerKB = "200 + 100%",
		Damage = "200 + 100%",
	["Rollout"] = {
		Striker = "Dubu",
		Name = "Rollout",
		Slot = "Primary",
		Desc = "Wind up and roll a decelerating bamboo log that hits and breaks on the first enemy hit.",
		Keyword = { "PROJECTILE", "CREATION" },
		Cooldown = 8,
		CoreKB = "1340 + 179%",
		PlayerKB = "180 + 89%",
		Damage = "180 + 89%",
	["Somerassault"] = {
		Striker = "Dubu",
		Name = "Somerassault",
		Slot = "Secondary",
		Desc = "Roll in a direction. At max range or on impact with an enemy, smash nearby enemies, stunning them.",
		Keyword = { "DASH", "MELEE", "IMPACT", "DEBUFF" },
		Cooldown = 18,
		PlayerKB = "210 + 105%",
		Damage = "210 + 105%",
	["Tofu Fortress"] = {
		Striker = "Dubu",
		Name = "Tofu Fortress",
		Slot = "Special",
		Desc = "Serve up an arc of tofu plates that hit enemies and leave impassable terrain where they end.",
		Keyword = { "PROJECTILE", "CREATION" },
		Cooldown = 40,
		CoreKB = "1340 + 179%",
		PlayerKB = "180 + 89%",
		Damage = "180 + 89%",
	["Bewitching Beam"] = {
		Striker = "Era",
		Name = "Bewitching Beam",
		Slot = "Primary",
		Desc = "Bewitch allies and enemies in a line. Enemies are reduced in Size, Speed, and Power . Allies gain Size and Power.",
		Keyword = { "IMPACT", "BUFF", "DEBUFF" },
		Cooldown = 8,
		CoreKB = "1280 + 150%",
		PlayerKB = "150 + 75%",
		Damage = "150 + 75%",
	["Flutter Fly"] = {
		Striker = "Era",
		Name = "Flutter Fly",
		Slot = "Secondary",
		Desc = "Empower nearby allies with 60% Speed that decays over 2.5s.",
		Keyword = { "HASTE", "BUFF" },
		Cooldown = 18,
		CoreKB = "",
		PlayerKB = "",
		Damage = "",
	["Magic Maelstrom"] = {
		Striker = "Era",
		Name = "Magic Maelstrom",
		Slot = "Special",
		Desc = "Conjure a growing maelstrom. On recast or after a few seconds, launch the maelstrom, hitting all enemies in its path. If released before full size, it has reduced range and deals LIGHT hits.",
		Keyword = { "PROJECTILE", "CREATION" },
		Cooldown = 20,
		CoreKB = "832 + 48%",
		PlayerKB = "150 + 75%",
		Damage = "150 + 75%",


p.abilities = abilities

return p