Omega Strikers Wiki:To do List

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If you are looking for something to assist with and don't know where to start, a list of tasks can be found here.

Things to Update Regularly (ad-hoc)

  • New Patches
    • Update "Patch History" section of: individual Strikers pages, Arenas page, --

New Pages

  • Creator Clash
  • Rookie Daily Login Page
  • Tactical Callout
  • OST
  • Quick Play
    • Add Each Build To Page
  • Events
    • High Tea Hijinks
    • Summer Splash
    • Clarion Corp

Short Term Goals

  • Add Codenames (Filenames) to Striker Bios

Long Term Goals

  • Strikers
    • Add basic tips (long-term project)
  • Tabs template
  • Create Individual Pages for All Awakening/Gear
  • Add/Transcribe JP Voice Lines
  • Skin/Cosmetic Spotlights
    • Goal Explosion Videos
    • Emotes - Video or Gif

Files to Upload