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Max Stagger = Stagger bar terminology wise

Stagger is a function of player level, calculated as where,
is Stagger at level n,
is player level

WELL darn, the function is not a perfect model because trailing decimals appear to stop at repeating fractions. For example, Tier 3 stats at Level 4 should be 1200 + 375/9 * (4-1) which is 1325, but it is actually 1324 in-game. :eraBocchi: If that is truly the case, how many decimals are used? Stagger-based awakenings show % increase by 3 decimals, but could it be more?

Awakenings that increase Stagger are applied after factoring in player level (I'm pretty sure (Or are they? Right now it doesn't really matter because there isn't anything that can be applied before that would affect leveling bonus health as a modifier...)) . Peak Performance increases Stagger by 350, when bonus speed is 0.5% of max Stagger. Max Stagger is calculated as S_f = S_n + S_b, where S_b is bonus Stagger from Awakenings.

Cooldown formula

Speed Math

Speed is measured in units per second. Bonus speed is calculated as a percentage and all sources from Awakenings are additive with each other. The Speed displayed in the overlay when Detailed Stats option is enabled will truncate any trailing decimals. While Staggered, any external knockback will briefly reduce the player's Speed to 0.


is bonus Speed. (which can be calculated by S_max * 0.5%)

Example 1

Rasmus level 6 660 speed pummlers active, peak performance, spark of agility, spark of strength

450 + 20% + (1758 health * 0.005 = 8.79%? but in game says 8.562%) + 2% + 16% =

v_b is either 46.79% or 46.562%

v_f = 450 * 1.4679 or 450 * 1.46562 = 660.555 or 659.529 in-game displays as 660

Example 2

Rasmus level 6 570 speed pummlers inactive, peak performance, spark of agility, spark of strength

450 + 0% + (1758 health * 0.005 = 8.79%? but in game says 8.562%) + 2% + 16% =

v_b is either 26.79% or 26.562%

v_f = 450 * 1.2679 or 450 * 1.26562 = 570.555 or 559.529 in-game displays as 570

Example 3

Rasmus level 7 571 speed pummlers inactive, peak performance, spark of agility, spark of strength

450 + 0% + (1800 health * 0.005 = 9%? but in game says 8.562%) + 2% + 16% =

v_b is either 27% or 26.562%

v_f = 450 * 1.27 or 450 * 1.26562 = 571.5 or 559.529 in-game displays as 571

Example 4

Rasmus level 7 559 speed pummlers active, bulk up, specialized training, aerials, 36 stacks on stacks

450 + 20% + 4.32% =

v_b is 24.32%

v_f = 450 * 1.2432 = 559.44 in-game displays as 559

Example 5

Vyce Level 2 vicious vambrace, extra special, peak performance,

450 + (1591.66 * 0.005 = 7.9583%) v_f = 450 * 1.079583 = 485.811

Example 6

Vyce Level 3 vicious vambrace, extra special, peak performance,

450 + (1633.33 * 0.005 = 8.166%) v_f = 450 * 1.08166 = 486.747

Example 7

Vyce Level 4 vicious vambrace, extra special, peak performance,

450 + (1633.33 * 0.005 = 8.166%) v_f = 450 * 1.08166 = 486.747