Omega Strikers - May 30th Micropatch - Balance Adjustments

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This official update post is copied verbatim from the Omega Strikers Steam page:
It is copyrighted by Odyssey Interactive.
It was added on 30 May 2023 @ 12:00 AM GMT.

Bonjour friends! We're launching a full-fledged attack on the titans with this micropatch. Most size increases are being reduced from 40% to 35% as every Awakening/Gear/Striker that had it was slightly oveperforming. This will also help game clarity with fewer giants clogging up the map, stomping all over the Core.


Era icon.png Era

Era has been a staple of tournament play for longer than the game has been released! Her potential to keep a debilitating debuff on enemies for up to 84 years had to be trimmed somewhat.

  • Bewitching Beam [PRIMARY]
    • Buff and Debuff Duration :: 2.5 → 2.25
    • Slow Amount :: 30% → 25%

Luna icon.png Luna

Before Vyce rocked our worlds, 'Vyce at home' was committing war crimes against us. We're going back to those good ole' days - the risk and difficulty in landing her abilities should have more of a payoff.

  • C.R.A.T.E.R. [SPECIAL]
    • Inner radius PvP Knockback and Damage :: 360 (+180% Power) → 380 (+190% Power)
      • Outer radius (40% reduced) :: 216 (+108% Power) → 228 (+114% Power)
    • Inner Radius Core Knockback :: 1460 (+240% Power) → 1470 (+245% Power)
      • Outer Radius (25% reduced) :: 1095 (+180% Power) → 1103 (+184% Power)
  • B.O.O.S.T.
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 200 (+100% Power) → 210 (+105% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1380 (+200% Power) → 1385 (+202.5% Power)

Rasmus icon.png Rasmus

Rasmus performs pretty on Ai.Mi's App for some reason, but he's been underswinging everywhere else. We're putting some more weight into his pendulum so when he smacks you with it, it hurts more.

  • Pendulum Swing [PRIMARY]
    • Sweetspot PvP Damage and Knockback :: 180 (+90% Power) → 190 (+95% Power)
      • Non-Sweetspot (45% Reduced) :: 99 (+49.5% Power) → 104.5 (+52.25% Power)
    • Sweetspot Core Knockback :: 1340 (+180% Power) → 1360 (+190% Power)
      • Non-Sweetspot (22.5% Reduced) :: 1038.5 (+139.5% Power) → 1054 (+147.25% Power)

X icon.png X

X is strong. Size is strong. Both are a bit less so, beginning today.

  • X Maximus [SPECIAL]
    • Size :: 40% → 35%



  • Powerhouse Pauldrons
    • Size :: 40% → 35%
  • Built Different
    • Size :: 40% → 35%
  • Big Fish
    • Size :: 40% → 35%
  • Eject Button
    • Secondary Cooldown :: 20% → 25%

Eject Button does so many fun things for goalies and is a cool tool on its own, yet it still is being overshadowed by the other options.

  • Siphoning Wand
    • Drain percent (health and damage) :: 5% → 4%

This wand is being put to good use by a lot of intended users and some surprise beneficiaries (Zentaro studies the Wand now??). We'll be keeping a close watch on its impact on game health, but for now we're toning it down as it's just a touch too magical.