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i'll track the used quotes here becuase i got nothing better to do, apparently

tooltip test

Champ select

Atlas icon.png Atlas

  • Used
    • Eureka

Era icon.png Era

  • Used
    • "You... You noticed me?"
    • "Yeah, sure. We can play."
  • Unsorted
    • "Hi. I'm Era."
    • "Nice to meet you."
    • "Me?"
    • "Hey."
    • "My powers are under control."
    • "*sigh* I'll use my powers."
    • "Yo."
    • "Um..."
    • "Um... Really?"
    • "Thanks? I guess?"
    • "Guess it's me and you then."
    • "Honestly... I'm not really feeling it."
    • "Thanks..."

Estelle icon.png Estelle

  • Used
    • "Why the hesitation?"
    • "Show me you're worthy"
    • "Hm, good taste!"
  • Unsorted
    • "Hmm"
    • "How elegant are you?"
    • "Are you sure?"
    • "You and me?.. Nah.."
    • "Me and... you?"
    • "Don't waste my time."
    • "You've picked a rose. But can you handle the thorns?"
    • "What's a rose without a few thorns?"
    • "Ah, someone who appreciates style!"
    • "So you've got an eye for style, eh?" (unused?)

Juliette icon.png Juliette

  • Used
    • I cant wait to play
  • Unsorted

Juno icon.png Juno

  • Used:
    • "Pick me! Maybe?"
  • Unsorted:
    • "Check this out."
    • "Can I ask you a question?"
    • "You've picked me?"
    • "Cre-a-tion." (Unused.)
    • "Uhmm... Hello."
    • "Uhmm... Hi!"
    • "I'll bring my friends." (In match lobby only; not in main menu.)
    • "This game looks... fun!"
    • "You want me... to play?"
    • "Wow! Really? I won't let you down!"
    • "Will you... teach me how to... play?"
    • "I'll try my best!"
    • "I can do it! Really!"

Era vs kai: uh sorry aboutthis one kai

Luna icon.png Luna

  • Used
    • “Hello? Hello!”
  • Unsorted
    • “I won’t disappoint.”
    • “Oh-Oh, Pick me, Pick me!”
    • “Wanna add some brains to your team?”
    • “Every team needs some brains.”
    • “YES! I-I-mean, uh… Good choice!”
    • “Makes sense, choosing the smartest one in the room and all?”
    • “Trust, you’ll never meet anyone like me.”
    • “I’m one of a kind.”


Asher icon.png Asher

you think a shield is just for defenmce follow me team theres more where that came from that just claeared a path to victory keep it coming team they didnt expect that

Era icon.png Era

  • Used
    • "That... felt good."
    • "I'm really not used to this."
  • Unsorted
    • "I scored?"
    • "Yes! I mean, uh... Yes."
    • "I've... I've got it under control."
    • "I... did it?"
    • "I wonder if Kai saw that?"
    • "I wonder if Kai was watching?"
    • "Everyone... saw that?"
    • "Uh-- that was cool. I guess?"
    • "Phew... Nice."
    • "Yeah, that's a goal alright. Whoo."
    • "Wow. We did it."
    • "That's it? Huh."
    • "We scored. Yay."
    • "How exciting..."
    • "Well... okay!"
    • "Uh... Thanks, everyone?"
    • "Um... we worked hard for that one?"
    • "Nice job, uh... team."
    • "Mm. Didn't expect that."
    • "Right... I guess I'll take it."
    • "Should we like, celebrate the goal?"
    • "Huh, sweet! A goal."

Estelle icon.png Estelle

  • Used
    • "Just try and keep up"
    • "I don't miss."
    • "I feel.. excited!"
    • "You thought I fell off.. I'm better than ever."
    • "A shot through the heart."
  • Unsorted
    • "You're in the presence of a champion."
    • "Line them up - I'll knock them down."
    • "It's just another runway to me."
    • "Still got it."
    • "Clean. As always."
    • "I am the deadliest rose."
    • "Don't underestimate me."
    • "Come on, give me a challenge."
    • yawns "Next." (unused)
    • "Blink - and you'll miss it."
    • "Hm. That's my style."
    • "Take notes."
    • "Pure precision.""
    • "Nice try." (unused?)
    • "Almost broke the sweat there."
    • "My style was never in doubt."
    • "Still on top."

Juno icon.png Juno

  • Used:
  • Unsorted
    • "Uhm... Wow, there's a lot going on."
    • "I... I did it!"
    • "Oh! It went in!"
    • "D-did Luna see that one?"
    • "That felt good. Lets do it again!"
    • "Goooaaaaal! Hehehe."
    • "Is this... What excitement feels like?"
    • "Ummm... I, err uh, that was thanks to my team!"
    • "Wait... I did that?"
    • "Thanks, friends."
    • "Buh-Blastooooff..." (Unused.)
    • "Goal?"
    • "Did I do a good job? Team?"
    • "How... How did that happen?"
    • "Woah! I... scored!"
    • "That was a goal."
    • "That was Ex-hil-arating."
    • "Hehehe. Yes!"
    • "Wuh- Waaa- WhOoOoah!" (Unused.)
    • "This is... Incredible!"
    • "I can't believe this!" (Unused.)
    • "Does this mean I get ice cream?"

Juliette icon.png Juliette

  • Used
    • I can't wait to tell dubu about this
    • i hope estell is watching (estelle is on the team, but doesnt matter?)
    • yes! i cant wait to tell dubu about this (no dubu? i think?)

Luna icon.png Luna

  • Used
    • look at the stars and make a wish


Juliette icon.png Juliette

  • Used
    • So, when's the next game?