Omega Strikers - 2.0.3 Micropatch - Balance Adjustments + Feature Requests

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This official update post is copied verbatim from the Omega Strikers Steam page:
It is copyrighted by Odyssey Interactive.
It was added on 9 May 2023 @ 12:00 AM GMT.


Hello again gamers. Welcome to Micropatch 2.0.3, the micro-est of micropatches. There's only a few things to go over today - like X nerfs, Juno Nerfs, Spark buffs, and more - so I suggest you read and absorb EVERY SINGLE CHANGE!!!!!

This patch will be rolling out live to all servers soon!

Ok let's get started. <3


While it's good to have Strikers who are behind to have some options of getting back into the game, the catch-up experience for knockouts provided too much of an XP Swing. Catch-up experience for KOs and assists :: 60% of the difference between KO'ed and KO'er (30% for Assisters) → 40% of the difference (20% for Assisters)


Juno icon.png Juno

It's been raining Cats and Blobs out there. Juno is excelling, so we're hampering her ability to clog the alleys a bit.

  • Make it Rain [SPECIAL]
    • Cooldown :: 30s → 35s

Rune icon.png Rune

Last time, Rune got the knockback buffs. We're now giving him the damage to match.

  • Unstable Anomaly [PRIMARY]
    • Fully formed Damage :: 220 (+110% Power) → 250 (+125% Power)
    • Fully formed Core Knockback :: 1390 (+205% Power) → 1405 (+212.5% Power)
    • Unformed damage and knockback unchanged
    • Also applies to the Unstable Anomaly left by Shadow Walk [SECONDARY]

X icon.png X

X has been nonchalantly kicking in goals after bashing heads. He can still do that, it just won't be as X-cessive.

  • Bell Ringer
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 200 (+100% Power) → 185 (+92.5% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1380 (+200% Power) → 1350 (+185% Power)
  • X Maximus!
    • Size gain :: 50% → 40%
    • Cooldown :: 30s → 35s
    • No longer has a minimum knockback duration per hit

Zentaro icon.png Zentaro

Mastering the blade is no easy task, but we think Zentaro could use a little help from our end. Now, when he's dashing, he might bring an enemy with him.

  • Iai Rush (SECONDARY)
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 170 (+85% Power) → 180 (+90% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1320 (+170% Power) → 1340 (+180% Power)


Sparkington City needs to boost its tourism revenue. Stop by sometime!

  • Spark of Focus
    • 2 Cooldown Rate, plus 8 per Spark → 2 Cooldown Rate, plus 10 per Spark
  • Spark of Strength
    • 4 Power, plus 16 per Spark → 4 Power, plus 20 per Spark

Feature requests

Since we launched, you all have given us a lot of feedback on Omega Strikers. Like. A lot. We’d like to take a minute to address some of the most frequent feedback we received. First, AFKs. We’re working on ways to improve our system to detect AFKers and punish those who decide to bail mid-game. And, of course, for those games you think are truly unwinnable, we’ve got a surrender function in the works! We admit, we probably should’ve had that at launch, but we’re hoping to implement it soon. Please look forward to it!

Another popular request is practice mode. We know the Co-op v AI games aren’t ideal practice ranges, so we’ll be releasing a mode that’ll allow you to work on your combos and practice new strikers in peace. We won’t be able to equip it with all the bells and whistles we’d like, but we’ll release the barebones functionality early and roll out more features as we go.

For players that promote out of high challenger, we’re also going to be adding a new tier to the ranked ladder: Pro Leagues. Once you’re in the Pro Leagues, the LP cap is removed and only the top players of each region will enter Omega.

We are also painfully aware that spectator mode and custom games could use an improvement. Though we don’t have details to share at the moment, rest assured we want to create features that are useful for those of you in the competitive scene. We just need a little more time to cook those.

Speaking of the competitive scene, we’re also looking into a central US server for competitive events. OS is a ping reliant game, and we want to make competition the best it can be. There are some costs to opening a central server, engineering and otherwise, but it’s something that is also on the radar for us.

Alright, that’s it for today! We really appreciate all your support through our launch so far. We promise we’re going to keep working hard to continue to make Omega Strikers the best experience it can be!! SO. Thank you for supporting us and thanks for watching. See you in the arena!