Omega Strikers - March 19th Micropatch - Update Notes

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This official update post is copied verbatim from the Omega Strikers Steam page:
It is copyrighted by Odyssey Interactive.
It was added on 14 February 2024 @ 12:00 AM GMT.

yo gamers We got a couple things we want to talk about with you all today - namely a small micropatch to tweak some characters that we noticed (or heard from you) needed... tweaking and some info on the SEASON RESET. Make sure you read everything here so you know what's going on. (I know it's a lot and I don't have a cute VTuber bat girl to read it to you, but you gotta read it all!!!)

Anyway, let's kick it off with the Season Reset Info. I posted this on Discord a few weeks ago, but there's been some slight tweaks and extra things, so check it out if you haven't or get a refresher.

Season Reset

We're aiming for the reset to happen EARLY APRIL

So keep up (or start) YOUR CLIMB.
Now I know what you’re thinking, “BUT AESOP THE LAST RESET WAS KINDA WACK” Well, we took all your feedback and cooked up some new stuff for this reset. Last season reset we identified a couple problems:

  • Player ranks were too greatly reset, which felt like it was a waste to climb.
  • Hidden rating wasn't maintained, so it took way too long to reclimb to old ranks (and we had a bug that prevented us from fixing that swiftly)
  • Players couldn’t access central servers in some places (Particularly NA)
  • Duo/Trio limits were rough and created a big rift at higher tiers

SO, we made lots of tweaks.
For the next season reset, we're going to be implementing the following changes:

  • New rank reset parameters (more on this below!)
  • Retaining hidden rating (to a degree where you won't have to climb forever just to get where you were last season)
  • Making sure players keep Central server access (though since Central server capacity is very limited, we maybe have to raise the entry threshold later on into the season)
  • Allowing Duos in all ranks and Trios in challenger
  • New rank rewards! (more on this below too!)

As for the reset parameters, simply put, the rank reset will not put you lower than 2 ranks below your season end rank.

  • For example, ending in Challenger will reset you somewhere to Plat - Diamond, Diamond will reset you to Gold - Plat, Plat to Gold - Silver, etc.
  • And, like I mentioned previously, you will still retain most of your hidden MMR from last time. So if you're reset to Gold and retained your Diamond hidden MMR, you'll climb quickly.

Also, I mentioned RANKED REWARDS right?! We’ll be handing out some things like:

  • Aqua Cannon goal explosion
    • (This isn't a seasonal reward btw, this is a forever thing that you'll unlock once you hit challenger any time in the future.)
  • Top "x" titles
    • ex: Top 5, Top 10, Top 20, etc
  • A skin recolor! (who it is I shall not say yet, but it’s someone without a skin hehe)
  • An emote for reaching plat
  • An emote for playing a bunch of games
    • ^ Requirements to unlock these are pretty confirmed BUT ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE!!!

Most rewards will be based on your Season *Peak* rating, but the titles for "Top X%" will be based on your leaderboard position at the end of the season.

We'll also have monthly exclusive "Title Awards" for those with the top 5 or so most goals, saves, KOs, etc!

  • Unfortunately we can't do a new battlepass with the limited resources we have, but we're hoping the rank rewards at least make up for some of that a little bit.

So yea. We're pretty confident that these changes will make a season reset like 1,000,000x better. (You cannot quote me on that)

Also THATS NOT ALL THO We're also trying to explore more minor gameplay changes/updates (not limited to just balance fixes) for a future season!!! Though I can't give you details yet, or if it’s something we can even do still, but stay tuned for that because we're still testing all of it.


Alright, for those of you that are still with me (Which it better be EVERYONE), here's the deets of the micropatch. Like I mentioned above, it's just a couple small tweaks to a few things!


Asher icon.png Asher

  • Barrier Beam [PRIMARY]
    • Shield on her side of the field size reduced by 14%

Estelle icon.png Estelle

  • Piercing Shot [PRIMARY]
    • Cooldown :: 9 → 10

Mako icon.png Mako

  • Ensnare Drums [SPECIAL]
    • Cooldown :: 45s → 40s

Zentaro icon.png Zentaro

  • Slashing Strike (STRIKE PASSIVE)
    • Hits until passive activated: 12 → 16


  • Chronoboost
    • Buff/Debuff duration :: 20% → 22.5%
  • Recovery Drone
    • Size 30 → 25%
  • Spark of Agility:
    • Speed per spark 6% → 5%
  • Spark of Leadership
    • Allied Spark Effect Gain: 40% →30%
    • Cooldown: 5 → 4
    • Stagger: 150 → 125
    • Power: 8 → 6
    • Speed: 2% → 1%
  • Spark of Strength
    • Power per spark 22 → 20
  • Unstoppable
    • Recharge time :: 7.5 → 7