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Rhythm Strike

Mako strike.png
Knock the Core in a direction with a LIGHT hit.

Every hit, gain a Beat. At 8 Beats, this Strike will be empowered with a larger size, more Core knockback, and it can hit enemy Strikers.

Cooldown 0.9s
Core Knockback 1230 + 125%
Player Knockback 150 + 75%
Damage 75 + 37%
Range 250 (default diameter)
  • 8 Beats changes the ability into Major Beat, increasing its Core Knockback to 1300 + 150% . Resets Beat count to 0 on use.
Energy Meter


Mako evade.png
When not fully charged, spend Energy to briefly become ELUSIVE, avoiding all incoming damage and knockbacks. Casting an ability ends this effect early. Gains additional effects if cast with 100% Energy.
Cooldown 3s
  • Requires and uses 25 Energy (1 bar).
  • Elusive duration: 1.5s. Using any ability cancels the effect early.
  • Automatically uses Energy Burst instead when used with 75 Energy (3 bars).

Energy Burst

Mako burst.png
Spend all of your Energy to EVADE and unleash an additional burst of power. This knocks back and stuns enemies momentarily, briefly grants you exclusive control of the Core, and dramatically increases the power of your next hit against it.
Cooldown 3s
Player Knockback 200 + 100%
Damage 200 + 100%
  • Requires and uses 75 Energy (3 bars).
  • Elusive duration: 1.5s. Using any ability cancels the effect early.
  • Hitting the Core while it is under your exclusive control increases the Core Knockback of the hit by 50%.

Perfect Pitch

Mako primary.png
Push-and-hold to wind up a huge swing. On release, swing the bat for a LIGHT hit. After 0.15s the swing will also connect with a drum, launching it forward as a PROJECTILE. Charge up to 1.25s for a stronger swing.
Cooldown 7s
Core Knockback 600 + 11%
Player Knockback 20 + 10%
Damage 20 + 10%
Range 270~1367
  • Core Knockback of swing, from minimum to maximum: (600 + 12% ) - (750 + 15% )
  • PvP Knockback and Damage of swing, from minimum to maximum: (20 + 10% ) - (40 + 20% )
  • Core Knockback of projectile, from minimum to maxmimum: (1190 + 105% ) - (1487.5 + 131.25% )
  • PvP Knockback and Damage of projectile, from minimum to maxmimum: (105 + 52.5% ) - (210 + 105% )
  • The projectile deals a normal hit. Both the swing and the projectile can hit the same target.
  • The wind up can be held for 2.5s. Mako's Speed is lowered to 214 (slowed by 52% of default Speed) briefly while using the ability or during the entire charging process regardless of her current Speed value.

Drum and Base

Mako secondary.png
Push-and-hold this ability for up to 4s to push away enemies and BUFF all allies, granting 25% HASTE and 20% Size while drumming and for 0.5s after. Upon releasing the ability, emit a LIGHT shockwave that blasts enemies away from you. Gain a Beat upon using this ability and another every 1s it's held.
Cooldown 20s
Core Knockback 1220 + 120%
Player Knockback 120 + 60%
Damage 120 + 60%
  • Mako's Speed is lowered to 278 while drumming (slowed by 38% of default Speed) while charging regardless of her current Speed value.
  • The pushback while drumming works on the Core and to a lesser effect on enemy Strikers.
  • The rejection field does not increase with Size.

Ensnare Drums

Mako special.png
Launch your drums towards enemies as a PROJECTILE. On hitting an enemy CREATE a trap that will let targets enter but will knock them back when they attempt to escape.
Cooldown 40s
Core Knockback 700 + 100%
Player Knockback 180 + 89%
Damage 120 + 60%
  • Mako's trap has 3 sides. The two sides closest to her (from where she cast the ability) can take 2 hits before breaking while the farthest side only takes 1.
  • Each individual hit of the Creation deals more damage the more times the barrier has been broken, scaling up to 5 times. It scales as follows, from left to right (1st-5th hits):
    • Core Knockback: (900 + 90% ), (1000 + 100% ), (1100 + 110% ), (1300 + 130% ), (1500 + 150% )
    • PvP Knockback and Damage: (60 + 30% ), (70 + 35% ), (80 + 40% ), (90 + 45% ), (100 + 50% )


Mako has the ability to take every awakening currently in the game.


Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Stagger 1300 1355 1411 1466 1522 1578 1633 1689 1744 1800
Power 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110
Speed 440 440 440 440 440 440 440 440 440 440
Cooldown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Mako is a thunderous force on the Corestrike fields, bringing the powers of mythical oni from ages past. Her unexpected combination of bat and drum will leave even the boldest opponents shaken. Tactically, Mako can effectively play at close range and at a distance, making her a versatile addition to any team.

Mako grew up the daughter of the masters of the largest temple in the Oni District of Ahten City. The temple is hundreds of years old, dedicated to the preeminent god of the oni pantheon, the 'Demon King' Iskhamon, during a time of tenuous relations between human and oni. While most young oni no longer believe in such mythical figures, many older oni still superstitiously treat Ishkamon as a protector deity, Mako's parents included, and the temple over which they preside has long served as a cultural hub and reliquary for the oni population in Ahten. Mako's parents would often say they could sense the blood of Ishkamon running through her veins.

Naturally, Mako's upbringing was a strict one and her parents educated her in all manner of rites and practices so that she would one day take their place and oversee worship at the temple. While Mako was often bored by the long ceremonies, she did enjoy two aspects of life at the complex: taiko drumming and the traditional oni sport of kaminarikyu - a wild game similar to baseball. Both of these would be played in honor of Ishkamon, who is said to have a love for all things thunderous.

Mako was a rebellious child and wanted to do anything but take over the tedious temple administration from her parents. Amongst her peers, she was a natural leader and would often steer her friends into all manner of trouble. This was doubly true with her closest friends, Vyce and Octavia. The trio were inseparable and would play music, kaminarikyu, and Corestrike together regularly.

Mako's parents didn't like her spending time with Vyce and Octavia, believing them to be a bad influence on their daughter. Furthermore, in the past, a rift existed between blue and red oni, and while most young oni don't see any differences between the two, older oni, like Mako's parents, tend to harbor some prejudices.

The origins of this rift stem from oni mythology, particularly the story of the "Sacrifice of Ishkamon." The story tells of a time in the distant past when human and oni were in a constant state of war with one another. For thousands of years, the oni prevailed due to their physical prowess, but over time the humans developed technology that allowed them to overcome their disadvantage. Seeing certain defeat for his people in store, the blue skinned king of the oni, Ishkamon, devised a plan—he told his lover, Ishkaten, the red skinned queen of the oni, that they would stage a betrayal. Ishkaten and the red oni would drive Ishkamon and the blue oni out, displaying to the humans that they had turned allegiance and sided with them. The ploy worked and the red oni were tenuously accepted into human society, while the blue oni were ostracized to the far fringes of civilization.

In the thousands of years since the events of this myth, blue oni have gradually integrated into human society, but they remain disadvantaged and stereotyped, so it's not uncommon for them to harbor resentment towards their red counterparts. Mako's parents are no exception, and viewed it as generous that she was even allowed to hang out with Vyce and Octavia.

One day, during a particularly raucous jam session, Vyce thought it'd be a great idea to add some flair to their music by incorporating the sacred drum of Ishkamon into their ensemble. This drum was housed in the center of the temple and Mako believed she could borrow it without her parents noticing. Despite protests from Octavia, Mako didn't want to let Vyce down and managed to steal the drum, surprising the group with it at their next jam session.

Vyce was over the moon, and requested to play the drum, which Mako happily obliged. In characteristically Vyce fashion, she smacked the drum with such force that its head ruptured. Vyce offered to take the drum to Mako's parents and take the blame for its theft and desecration, but Mako wouldn't let her. She went to her parents and boldly took the blame. They were furious and barred her from ever seeing Vyce and Octavia again, putting her in a strict training regimen that rarely let her leave the temple grounds.

The group went their separate ways, Vyce and Octavia free to explore their musical passions and Mako isolated at the temple. Time passed and the three lost touch with one another.

Years later, Octavia had become Ahten's preeminent virtuoso, Vyce had built a cult following in the underground punk scene, and Mako was slated to take over administrative responsibilities at the temple from her parents.

Mako heard her two childhood friends would be playing at Ahten's biggest music festival. With nostalgia for the past in her mind she attended the event. She was enraptured by Vyce's boisterous show on the side stage and entranced by Octavia's set on the main stage. She pushed her way backstage to try and meet them again after the show but stumbled across them in the midst of a fight, Vyce storming off in a fit of rage.

Mako managed to catch up with both sisters and found herself in the midst of a strained relationship. She convinced both that giving their old friendship a shot, and bringing their old band, Demon Drive, back together on the neutral territory of the Corestrike fields would be for the best.

Now the group takes to the field just as they did when they were children. Mako hopes that maybe, alongside her friends, she can change the temple's, and her own, future.



Concept Art

An image of Mako's concept art. There are four designs in total. The first has her wearing a hat, jacket, fingerless gloves, and pants with a floating drum on each side of her and a baseball bat in her hand.The second is similar to the first, but with a bra instead of a shirt, an open jacket, a skirt, longer hair, and two baseball bats with a single, larger drum. The third is similar to her final design, with the only differences being her shoes and the color of the ribbon around her neck. The fourth design has her wearing sunglasses propped up on her forehead, longer and white hair, and drumsticks instead of baseball bats. Concept art of Mako, taken from Liyart's official ArtStation page Concept art of Mako's drums, taken from Liyart's official ArtStation page Testing


See: Mako/Quotes


See: Mako/Trivia

Patch History

Omega Strikers - April 17th Micropatch - Update Notes

  • Perfect Pitch [PRIMARY]
    • Projectile Base PvP Damage and Knockback :: 100 (+50% Power) → 105 (+52.5% Power)
      • i.e. Fully charged player hit with no Awakenings :: 310 → 326
    • Projectile Base Core Knockback :: 1180 (+100% Power) → 1190 (+105% Power)
      • i.e. Fully Charged Core hit with no Awakenings :: 1613 → 1632

Omega Strikers - April 12th Update - Season 3! - Update Notes

  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 440
    • Power :: 100 → 110
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1300
  • Drum and Base [SECONDARY]
    • Haste Granted :: 20% → 25%


  • Ensnare Drums [SPECIAL]
    • Cooldown :: 45s → 40s


    • Haste Granted :: 30% → 20%
    • Size Granted :: 30% → 20%


    • Size and Haste linger after cast :: 1.5s → 0.5s
    • Duration while channeling unchanged
    • Minimum hold duration for projectile :: 0.25s → 0.15s
    • Projectile range increased slightly at all points in the cast
      • Minimum range :: 258.75 → 270
      • Maximum range :: 1310 → 1367


  • Released

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