Summer Splash

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Asher icon.png Asher

I’m sitting in the sand enjoying the cool ocean breeze when I hear my name being shouted loudly behind me.
Hey! {PlayerName}! {PlayerName}! Over here!
I turn around and see Asher leaning against the railing on the top of the lifeguard tower.
Asher’s the unbreakable wall of team SSR. While she hasn’t won a championship yet, her inspiring attitude is contagious and legions of fans support her and her team.
Today she’s decked out in lifeguard gear… wait is Asher a lifeguard?!
{PlayerName}! That’s your name, right?
You’re Juliette’s childhood friend, aren’t you? She’s told me a lot about you.
I laugh nervously.
Asher was voted as the fans’ favorite striker this year and here she is, talking to me?!
Not even just that… Juliette’s told her a lot about me?
I must be dreaming…
“Haha… yeah… that’s right! I’m {PlayerName}, Juliette’s friend!”
“Well, if half the things she told me about you are true, you seem like just what I need right now.”
The blood rushes up to my head.
I’m probably red as a lobster right now.
Is Asher hitting on me?
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Well, you know Asher, you seem like just what I need. Um… well I’ve never had someone hit on me that directly… But they do say you’re bold, Asher! Hnnnggg… *awkward silence*
Response 1 Response 2 Response 3
Hahaha! I like you, {PlayerName}. You’re bold. But I don’t mean it like that. Hahaha! I am bold, you’re right. But that’s not what I mean. No offense or anything. Well… Okay… Wasn’t really expecting that after what Juliette told me, but all right…

PLAYER: Oh… my… god…
PLAYER: I’m so embarrassed right now. Why did I think she meant that?!?
PLAYER: Oh no, is she going to tell Juliette?
PLAYER: “Haha… I was… just kidding… so what do you need me for then?”
Wow... you really thought she was hitting on you? To continue Asher's story, you'll need to complete a mission!

After Mission 1

I’ve thoroughly embarrassed myself with Asher by assuming that she was into me. I need to deflect and get the conversation headed in a good direction…
Asher icon.png Asher: See, I could use an assistant. I can tell it’s gonna get real busy today and I’m not sure that I’m gonna be able to keep up with everything going on.
Asher icon.png Asher: This is a big beach for one girl to cover as the only lifeguard and I don’t want anyone drowning on my watch!!
Asher icon.png Asher: I can teach you all the basics about being a lifeguard.
Asher icon.png Asher: I’ll show you how to toss a life saver, give you pointers on how to swim back to shore with someone in tow, and teach you how to do CPR.
CPR? With Asher?
I’m blushing again, aren’t I?
Asher icon.png Asher: So, you down?
Asher icon.png Asher: No pressure, I can always find someone else to teach.
“Of… of course! Count me in!”
I blurt it out without thinking. My mind was still on the CPR…
Asher icon.png Asher: Haha! Awesome!!
Asher icon.png Asher: I’ll teach you everything you need to know. Just follow my lead!
Asher icon.png Asher: Let me come down there… one second…
Asher jumps down off the life guard post and creates a big gust of sand as she lands.
Wrapped around her arms are about a dozen lifesavers. 
Asher icon.png Asher: All right, {PlayerName}. Let’s see how your throw is.
Asher icon.png Asher: See that post over there?
She points over to a piece of wood sticking out of the sand. It’s maybe ten meters or so away.
She doesn’t waste any time getting down to business, does she… 
Asher icon.png Asher: I need you to toss one of these over to it. Hold onto the rope with one hand and then toss the ring with the other. Try and get it as close as you can to the post. 
I used to wrangle my little brothers and sisters like this back in the day so I’ve got years of practice.
If I can do that with one eye, I’m sure you can hit a stationary post with two!
Asher dumps a bundle of the rings in front of me.
She’s putting me to the test already…
Asher icon.png Asher: It’s a little windy so make sure you think about that when you make your throw.
Asher icon.png Asher: If you miss the first time don’t worry… I’ve got plenty of extra rings over here.
I put the ring in my hand. It’s bigger than I thought it’d be.

  • This thing isn’t going to be that easy to throw. 
    • Try for a strong underhand toss toward the pole. Maybe I can wrap it like a horseshoe… 
      • I set up like I’m about to toss a bowling ball and hurl the lifesaver into the air.
        It flies high into the sky and then lands down onto the sand a few feet in front of me.
        Asher icon.png Asher: Haha! Not bad, not bad. Your accuracy was there but you’ve got some work to do with your power. 
        Asher icon.png Asher: I bet with a few more tries you’ll get the hang of it!
    • Wind up and toss it like a discus. I need maximum power.
      • I twist my torso and charge up a big toss. I let out a shout and hurl the lifesaver forward. It flies far out in front of me but it’s gone way too wide to the right. 
        It hits a kid walking down the beach who starts crying and shouting “Mommy! Mommy!”. A few seconds later I hear a worried mother shouting, “Colin! Oh my god, Colin! Are you okay?”
        Asher icon.png Asher: HAHA! When I said I used to wrangle my brothers and sisters like this I didn’t mean try to ring a random kid on the beach! Good effort, though.
        Asher icon.png Asher: Juliette was right. You are too funny, {PlayerName}.
    • Go wild with it. Punt the lifesaver for the style points.
      • I go full beast mode and drop kick the lifesaver out of the air. Except I miss the lifesaver all together and fall flat on my back. The lifesaver lands on my face as it falls back down from the sky.
        Asher icon.png Asher: HAHAHAHA! {PlayerName} what were you even trying to do? 
        Asher icon.png Asher: There were some style points there for sure if you managed to hit it, but how about you try actually throwing it next time?

Asher icon.png Asher: Well… from how that went I can tell I’ve got some serious work to do before I’m ready to be a lifeguard. 
Asher icon.png Asher: Er… a lifeguard’s apprentice.
Ready to save some lives? To continue Asher's story, you'll need to complete a mission!

Mission 2

Mission 3

Dubu icon.png Dubu

Mission 1

Mission 2

Mission 3

Estelle icon.png Estelle

Mission 1

Mission 2

Mission 3

Juliette icon.png Juliette

Mission 1

Mission 2

Mission 3

Juno icon.png Juno

Mission 1

Mission 2

Mission 3

X icon.png X

Mission 1

Mission 2

Mission 3

