Omega Strikers -- Nov 17th Update Patch Notes

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Hello gamers! Long time no patch, eh? Aesop here as usual with Sotere and Wav3 bringing you a fresh update to your favorite game of all time ever to exist, Omega Strikers. We changed a couple of things a few weeks ago in our... "Halloween" patch, but we've got a couple more coming your way with this.

Before we get started, I'd like to take a moment to discuss our refocus on release. We're going to be slowing down on some planned updates and push them towards our official release. We've gone into FULL detail about everything here:

Ending Open Beta and Preparing for Full Launch


Things are coming along nicely on the development end, but we want to ensure a level of function and polish that we can be happy with at release. While this means there will be a longer wait for new Strikers, new skins, and other "big" things added to the game, we'll continue to adjust and iterate on things like Striker balance, maps, trainings, etc.

With all that being said, let's take a look at some of these aforementioned balance, maps, trainings, etc. right now!

System Changes


We went a little too far with respawn timers and made power plays slightly too difficult to capitalize on.

  • Respawn Timer :: 7s → 8s
    • Overtime respawn is unchanged.


As promised, we have a new map for you that should feel pretty different. This new map, Narrows, should create some obvious momentum swings, change up your decision-making in clearing, and for those in desperate need, act as a safety bumper!

  • [NEW] Narrows

UI Improvements

  • Your window will now come into focus when Striker Select begins. You can tab out safely!

Clash of Clones

  • Clash of Clones is gone for now! Thanks for checking out our first new mode and leaving us feedback on it! Stay tuned for more 4fun modes in the future. :)


Ai.Mi icon.png Ai.Mi

"Various Bugfixes". ← That's what every app writes in the update notes.

  • [HALLOWEEN PATCH BUGFIX] :: Firewall Sentry (Special) should no longer have its turret be invisible

Asher icon.png Asher

Slowing the immovable object down, making her... less immovable? More movable???

  • Arc Beam [PRIMARY]
    • [NEW] :: Now slowed by 30% during the cast time of the ability
    • Sourspot hit type :: MEDIUM → LIGHT
    • Sourspot penalty :: 30% → 40%
      • Sourspot Damage and Player Knockback ::140 (+70% Power) → 120 (+60% Power)
      • Sourspot Core Knockback :: 644 (+242% Power) → 552 (+201% Power)

Atlas icon.png Atlas

As a goalie, Atlas icon.png Atlas has been living in the giant round shadow of Dubu icon.png Dubu and now has been overtaken by other Strikers as well. Even his dear younger sister might be better in the net - debatable, we know. He will now do what he does uniquely better: save his allies. This time, he lets them get back into the action quicker.

  • Celestial Intervention [SPECIAL]
    • Healing on rescue :: 15% of Stagger → 25% of Stagger

Dubu icon.png Dubu

Dubu? Dubu! Duuuubu! Dubu? Du...bu?? Translation: Dubu icon.png Dubu has remained the stalwart defender of the goal. While he may not be as flashy as Kai icon.png Kai, King Tofu has been consistently getting the job done since the start of the Beta. We're giving him a slight tap down so his opponents can opt into knockouts and give a few more windows to get around his abilities later in the game.

  • Cooldown gained through levels :: 0-50 → 0-40
  • Base Stagger :: 1,350 → 1,250

Era icon.png Era

She's fallen a bit behind her canon teammates (Kai icon.png Kai and X icon.png X) so we're giving Era icon.png Era's Power Buff a little love so she can get off the bench and be more POWERFUL.

  • Bewitching Beam [PRIMARY]
    • Power Buff and Debuff :: 40% → 60%

Estelle icon.png Estelle

Whether she's stacking damage for a brawler teammate or defending from afar, Estelle icon.png Estelle has been a staple in several team comps. We're reducing the frequency of her Crystal Thorns as it plays into both of her strategies slightly too well.

  • Crystal Thorns [SPECIAL]
    • Cooldown :: 12s → 14s

Juno icon.png Juno

Giving our best friend and her blobbos some extra punching power. Damage Juno icon.png Juno is back on the menu!!

  • Friend Fling [PRIMARY]
    • Player Knockback :: 170 (+85% Power) → 180 (+90% Power)
    • Player Damage :: 170 (+85% Power) → 180 (+90% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 930 (+350% Power) → 940 (+355% Power)

Kai icon.png Kai

True to his lore, Kai icon.png Kai was the champion of last patch. Best goalie. Top tier forward. Always zooming. Always looking clean. We're nerfing his pace a little bit and also making him a bit more vulnerable. If you happen to catch him, he'll be easier to punish.

  • Base Stagger :: 1,100 → 1,000
  • Blazing Pace [SECONDARY]
    • Duration :: 4s → 3s
    • Cooldown :: 14s → 16s
  • Barrage [PRIMARY]
    • [BUGFIX]: Now appropriately shows as a valid choice for 'hit' trainings like Stinger

Luna icon.png Luna

Luna icon.png Luna tinkered with her big rocket to make the extended blast radius that much more potent. Did you see that?!

  • C.R.A.T.E.R.
    • Sourspot penalty :: 60% → 50%
    • Sourspot Player Knockback and Damage :: 144 (+72% Power) → 180 (+90% Power)
    • Sourspot Core Knockback Unchanged

Rune icon.png Rune

Rune has been introducing many of you to Obscura. And while great Rune icon.png Rune play is hard to achieve, his options at the highest level of play are aplenty. We're toning down his mobility a tiny bit and we're keeping our eyes on him. You can't hide in the shadows from us, Rune icon.png Rune.

  • Shadow Swap [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 9s → 10s
  • Banish [SPECIAL]
    • Tooltip now states Banish duration (1.25s)


Some of our new trainings were far too Hot (Shot), while the more aggressive options have been a bit too niche thus far. That, combined with some slight tweaks and small tunings, will hopefully make it so that no trainings are dominating the meta. THAT MEANS YOU, Trainings brawler icon.pngUNSTOPPABLE.

Trainings specialist icon.pngAdrenaline Rush

  • Persistent Speed :: 15 → 20
  • HASTE on Takedown :: 60% → 75%

Trainings specialist icon.pngHot Shot

  • [BUGFIX] :: Now appropriately grants the cooldown for a number of instantly hitting abilities (most notably Estelle Piercing Shot (PRIMARY) and Era Bewitching Beam (PRIMARY))
  • Core hits :: 12% harder → 8% harder

Trainings brawler icon.pngPrime Time

  • Primary ability hits harder:: 7% (3.5% to Core) → 5% (2.5% to Core)

Trainings brawler icon.pngPrize Fighter

  • Stacks lost on K.O. :: 2 → 1

Trainings sniper icon.pngStrike Shot

  • [HALLOWEEN PATCH BUGFIX] :: Range indicator is now more accurate and does not scale based on Striker size

Trainings brawler icon.pngUnstoppable

  • [CHANGED ON HALLOWEEN PATCH] :: Knockback Resist :: 40% → 30%
  • [BUGFIX] Strikers can no longer "equip" Unstoppable without actually equipping it.

Trainings controller icon.pngWell Fed

  • Knockback Resistance at full stacks :: 10% → 15%
