Omega Strikers - May 9th Micropatch - Update Notes

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Welcome Strikers to the patch notes of the May 9th, 2024 Micropatch! Please remain seated and keep all arms and legs inside the ride as we take you on an exiting journey of map rotations, Striker adjustments, Awakening changes, and the return of Orbs. That’s right, the orb map is back, so we're bringing the orb awakenings back with it! (Kind of, lol)


Asher icon.png Asher

Strikes CD is being brought up to match Quick Strikes now that the global CD is gone. Also adding some strength to her Breakthrough to KILL PEOPLE

  • Breakthrough [SECONDARY]
    • Strike CD reduction on her side of the field 15% → 20%
    • Knockback and Damage :: 130(+65% Power) → 140(+70% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1240(+130% Power) → 1260 (+140% Power)

Atlas icon.png Atlas

Atlas has struggled finding his sure ground this year, so now he peers ahead to make his path clear. That's iambic pentameter I just really wanted to do that. But for real, Atlas hasn’t been doing great so far in Season 3 so we’re letting him project a litter further into the future.

  • Astral Projection [PRIMARY]
    • Damage & Knockback :: 170(+85% Power) → 180 (+90% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1320 (+170% Power) → 1340 (+180% Power)
    • Lifetime :: 0.65 → 0.70 (Effective range 450 → 480)

Era icon.png Era

This witch can be quite annoying in some cases because of that beam you know what I mean? So it’s getting a slap to lower its strength.

  • Bewitching Beam [PRIMARY]
    • Enemy Slow :: 25% → 20%
    • Enemy shrink :: 40% → 30%
    • Cooldown :: 8.5s → 9s

Juno icon.png Juno

Juno has developed the taste for human blood and must kill. This will help her do so because we don’t have the bug where Stinger did 90% of enemy Max HP like it did in one of our playtests by accident.

  • Friend Fling [PRIMARY]
    • KB & Damage :: 185 (+92% Power) → 200 (+100%Power)
    • Core KB :: 1350 (+185% Power) → 1380 (200% Power)

Kai icon.png Kai

Small adjustment from the divergent base stats that will stop Kai from really outclassing other forwards.

  • Stagger Growth Tier :: 425 → 250
  • Base Stagger :: 1200 → 1150

Octavia icon.png Octavia

HUGE buff

  • Flow State [PRIMARY]
    • Cooldown :: 18s → 17s

Rune icon.png Rune


  • Base Speed :: 450 → 460

Map Rotation

  • Rotated OUT
    • Demon Dais
    • Oni Village
  • Rotate IN
    • Atlas's Lab
    • Ahten City


  • Rotated OUT
    • Knifes Edge
    • Demolitionist
    • Timeless Creator

Orbs are back baby and I know you love it. We brought back and adjusted both Orb Dancer and Orb Ponderer. We wanted to “flatten” their strength curve so that compared to the previous iteration they perform better on average but have a lower top-end. We’re also keeping Orb Replicator out to prevent some snowballing with these changes.

  • Rotated IN
    • Orb Dancer [Retuned]
    • Orb Ponderer [Retuned]
    • Catalyst
  • Aerials
    • Movement/Haste buff :: 70% → 75%
  • Hotshot
    • Core hit amp :: 12% → 13%
  • Might of the Colossus
    • Power scaling per size :: 0.75 → 0.65
  • Orb Dancer
    • Speed Increase per orb :: 40% → 30%
    • Speed increase per orb at max stacks :: 80% → 60%
    • Max Stacks :: 10 → 5
    • Duration :: 6s → 4.5
  • Orb Ponderer
    • Active cooldowns reduced per orb :: 25% → 15%
    • Cooldown reduction per orb at max stacks :: 45% → 30%
    • Max stacks :: 10 → 5
  • Reptile Remedy
    • Heal :: 4.5% → 5%
    • Duration :: 3s → 4s

We’re trying something new on our pancakes where they take longer to stack but are stronger at max, making them more important to protect but also putting a bigger target on your back!

  • Stacks on Stacks
    • Max stacks :: 100 → 150
    • Speed per stack :: 0.1 → 0.08 (Max speed 10%/20% → 12%/24%)
  • Stinger
    • Burn :: 9% → 7.5% (Light Hits: 3% → 2.5%)
  • Team Player
    • Allied strike power buff :: 20% → 22.5%

Alright with that patch note stuff outta they way I just wanna drop in for a sec and say I saw some stuff that you all have been posting on the World Wide Web about OS and just wanted to post up a reminder of what’s happening on our end. While it’s true that, as previously announced, most of the team have moved onto other projects, (which are still open for playtest applications here btw.) but a couple of us are still working on small quality-of-life stuff for Omega Strikers. For the future, we still want to bring some smaller updates to you all like:

  • New seasons
  • Recolors as skins for season rewards
  • Additional Battlepass Levels
  • Community-made emotes, titles, nameplates, etc.

For the next update patch, we’re just going to have some bug fixes and a couple smaller things. All that being said, we’re so stoked that you’ve been sticking with us so far and have been playing OS, enjoying the matches, and giving us feedback on everything we’ve done!! We hope you continue to do so into the future and we’ll see you soon <3