Omega Strikers - January 10th Micropatch - Update Notes

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This official update post is copied verbatim from the Omega Strikers Steam page:
It is copyrighted by Odyssey Interactive.
It was added on 10 January 2024 @ 12:00 AM GMT.

Omega Strikers - January 10th Micropatch | Update Notes

Hey gang! We're back with another micropatch for ya!! Despite most of the team working on a super secret new project, we're gonna keep the balance changes coming. Today's patch features a couple of rather "large" changes to awakenings and maps, so, for now, let us begin!!

Maps and Modes

We heard a lot of feedback from you all about the map pool, and we decided to increase the active pool from 5 maps to 7 maps. We know it can be a little annoying playing the same maps over and over - which could be even worse if your favorite map isn't even in the rotation! We're hoping this change makes things a little more SPICY for ya.

Map Rotation

  • Rotated in
    • Oni Village
    • Atlas's Lab


Estelle icon.png Estelle

No funny blurb here, Estelle was just a little weak!

    • Cooldown :: 10 → 9
    • Cooldown :: 22 → 20

Finii icon.png Finii

Finii now gets a little bit more time to aim her core in the right direction!

    • Duration :: 2.25s → 2.5s

Juliette icon.png Juliette

Juliette has stood atop the field for a while and has been pretty strong always. We're tuning her down just a touch to give her foes a fighting chance.

    • Cooldown :: 7s → 8s
    • PvP damage and knockback :: 155 (+77.5% Power) → 145 (+72.5% Power)
    • Core knockback :: 1290 (+155% Power) → 1270 (+145% Power)

Kazan icon.png Kazan

Kazan was kinda cooking too much as a goalie.

    • Cooldown :: 8.5s → 9.5s

Mako icon.png Mako

Mako with a coordinated team goes real crazy. Too crazy, one might say.

    • Haste Granted :: 30% → 20%
    • Size Granted :: 30% → 20%

Nao icon.png Nao

Nao can use her ability more, but it's a little weaker against enemies and cores.

  • Proximity Drone [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 12 → 10
    • PvP damage and knockback :: 110 (+55% Power) → 100 (+50% Power)
    • Core knockback :: 1200 (+110% Power) → 1180 (+100% Power)

Rune icon.png Rune

We hit Rune with a Core KB nerf a bit ago, and he's still struggling to find his footing. We're pulling some of that back.

    • Core Knockback :: 1175 (+170% Power) → 1275 (+185% Power)
    • PvP knockback & damage unchanged

    • Pillar Core Knockback :: 1175 (+170% Power) → 1275 (+185% Power)
    • PvP knockback & damage unchanged

X icon.png X

"You should nerf it by 2 seconds so I have something in common with Bell Ringer: We're both 10s"

    • Cooldown 8 → 9

Zentaro icon.png Zentaro

Despite the Manatees pitching a buff to Zentaro's primary, we think these changes will more appropriately help him out.

    • Cooldown :: 40 → 35
    • Cooldown 18 → 16


We are reevaluating our awakening balance methodology and, as a result, we've got a ton of changes in this section. Since these changes are pretty fresh and different, we'll be keeping a close eye on how these changes pan out and are ready to follow up if needed!

At a mere 25% size, the size awakenings felt a lil' puny atm. We think that the size options may have been unfairly nerfed, just because they were generally good picks as opposed to being more specialized. We're gonna beef em up a bit.

  • Built Different
    • Size :: 25% → 30%

Buff/debuff duration has proven to be a very powerful stat on strikers that really utilize it well. So much so that the strikers who use it best have seen their performances with and without their star awakenings diverge more than we'd like. This patch will see a big hit to Cast to Last and Chronoboost to try and remedy this. This is a relatively large change, so we'll be keeping an eye on CTL and Chronoboost users.

  • Cast to Last
    • Buff & Debuff Duration :: 60% → 40%
    • Creation Duration :: 35% → 40%

See above!

  • Chronoboost
    • Buff & Debuff Duration :: 30% → 20%

People were demolishing more than just barriers with this awakening. They'll have to get a permit if they want to keep it up.

  • Demolitionist
    • Cooldown refund :: 6s → 3s

Similar to the size awakenings, Extra Special may have been nerfed a bit too much because of its general usefulness, so we're putting more of a smile onto the happy star's face.

  • Extra Special
    • Special cooldown reduction :: 25% → 30%

I still think this should be called Fight and Flight

  • Fight or Flight
    • Speed boost :: 15% → 17.5%
  • Glass Cannon
    • Power per stack :: 6 → 5
  • Knife's Edge
    • Power granted :: 40 → 30

Powerhouse Pauldrons Not many people picked it but PP was sleeper OP. We saw it tho. We saw it. Size :: 35 → 30 Power 30 → 25

Similar to the size awakenings and Extra Special, we think the "extra ability charge" awakenings were nerfed a bit too much because of their general utility. We're bringing em back to where they should be. Hopefully.

  • Primetime
    • Hit Reduction :: 10% → 5%

We're making Quick Strikes quick again!

  • Quick Strikes
    • Strike cooldown Reduction :: 15% → 20%

Rapid Fire was generally just always good. I know I took it whenever I could, just because I like it.

  • Rapid Fire
    • Primary cooldown reduction :: 40% → 33%

Similar to the size awakenings, Extra Special, and Primetime, we think the "extra ability charge" awakenings were nerfed a bit too much because of their general utility. We're bringing em back to where they should be. Hopefully.

  • Twin Drive
    • Cooldown Increased by :: 7.5% → 5%