Omega Strikers - July 4th Update - Update Notes

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This official update post is copied verbatim from the Omega Strikers Steam page:
It is copyrighted by Odyssey Interactive.
It was added on 4 July 2024 @ 12:00 AM GMT.

Hello STRIKERS!! Hope your summer is going well!! (Or if you’re in like Australia, hope your winter is going well?)

Today’s update features a couple of quality of life features you’ve been requesting for a while, some new community stuff, and some of your favorite balance adjustments. We even threw in some bugfixes for good measure.

With that, shall we begin fellow strikers?


  • Pick Order Display
    • Now displays which team picks first when it’s snake draft!
    • Located in the top left under the current map name
  • Pre-Match Mastery Banner Effects
    • You can now show off how good you are at Asher before the match starts.
  • In-Game Name Change Feature
    • Go to the Settings and change your name!
    • No cost (Ody/Striker Coins)
    • You can only change it once every 90 days.
      • Don’t change it and then be like “actually I don’t like it” and make a ticket, I’ll be so mad.
  • In-Game HUD Update
    • Just a small update to the change we made a bit ago.
    • Increased size and some polish.

Maps and Modes

  • Map Rotations
    • Rotated in
      • Ai.Mi’s App
      • Oni Village
      • Demon Dais
    • Rotated out
      • Taiko Temple
      • Atlas’s Lab
      • Inky’s Splash Zone


Thanks to our incredible community, we got a couple new emoticons, titles, and nameplates! We’ll be making ways to get those over the coming days.

  • Nameplates
    • New Community Nameplates
  • Emoticons
    • New Community Emoticons
  • Titles
    • New community Titles


We’ve got just a couple adjustments to some Strikers. Nothing big like the last batch where we changed virtually everything though!

Atlas icon.png Atlas

Atlas has been exploring space and gaining knowledge so you haven’t seen him in a while. He learned how to reduce the cooldown of his Secondary so you might be seeing him more often.

  • Cosmic Expanse [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 22s → 21s

Drek'ar icon.png Drek'ar

He’s a little stronger now and upgraded his Xeno Cloak so he can go invisible for longer. In general, we are trying to push some power away from his primary and into his other abilities so that Drek’ar won’t be so much of a one trick lizard.

  • Base Stats
    • Power :: 90 → 95
  • Xeno Cloak [SECONDARY]
    • Duration :: 1.0s → 1.25s
    • Speed Boost :: 50% → 40%
    • Stealth hit amp now has a 0.25s post-stealth grace window

Estelle icon.png Estelle

Crystal Volley balls too hard sometimes so we’re turning it down.

  • Crystal Volley [SPECIAL]
    • Cooldown :: 20s → 22s

Finii icon.png Finii

Finii was struggling to find her rabbit footing so we’re moving some of the power from her supportive utility to her own abilities. We’re also letting her hop across the battlefield a little quicker for good measure.

  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 470 → 475
  • Triple Take [SECONDARY]
    • Damage per pulse :: 50(+25% Power) → 55(+27.5% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1080 (+50% Power) → 1090(+55% Power)
    • Ally Damage Boost :: 30% → 20%

Kai icon.png Kai

Sick Giga Blasts from like across the map are now cooler and better. You just can’t try and spam it as frequently.

  • Giga Blast [SPECIAL]
    • PvP Knockback and Damage :: 220 (+110% Power) → 240 (+120% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1390 (+205% Power) → 1400 (+210% Power)
    • Cooldown :: 22s → 23s

Juliette icon.png Juliette

Try Juliette goalie! Surely it’s good!

  • Flying Phoenix [Secondary]
    • Cooldown :: 16s → 15s

Luna icon.png Luna

Luna was pretty good in all tiers, especially in higher skill levels. Fewer random across-map rockets now.

  • W.H.A.M.M.Y. [PRIMARY]
    • Cooldown :: 6.5s → 7.5s
  • Base Stats
    • Stagger Growth Tier :: 375 → 250

Nao icon.png Nao

Nao is quite strong in coordinated and high-tier games.

  • Proximity Drone [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 10s → 12s
  • Base Stats
    • Speed: 460 → 455

Vyce icon.png Vyce

Vyce KOs a lot of people, so let’s see how she likes it now with her lower stagger!!!

  • Base Stats
    • Base Stagger :: 1300 → 1200
    • Stagger Growth Tier :: 375 → 300
  • Super Nova [SPECIAL]
    • [BUGFIX] Minimum cast time :: 0s → 0.25s
    • Due to how they were implemented, press and hold abilities were subverting the cast-time system that all abilities use and were effectively able to output hits faster than intended. We made a systemic change to normalize these abilities.

Zentaro icon.png Zentaro

His special is pretty special am I right? Okay sorry, now it’s got a 5 second longer cooldown.

  • Oni’s Blade [SPECIAL]
    • Cooldown :: 35s → 40s

Mako icon.png Mako

Very prevalent in coordinated and high-tier play (like Nao), Mako needs a touch to ensure she isn’t domineering.

  • Perfect Pitch [PRIMARY]
    • Cooldown :: 7s → 8.5s
      • [BUGFIX] Minimum cast time :: 0s → 0.15s
      • Due to how they were implemented, press and hold abilities were subverting the cast-time system that all abilities use and were effectively able to output hits faster than intended. We made a systemic change to normalize these abilities.
  • Drum and Base [SECONDARY]
    • [BUGFIX] Minimum cast time :: 0s → 0.25s
      • Due to how they were implemented, press and hold abilities were subverting the cast-time system that all abilities use and were effectively able to output hits faster than intended. We made a systemic change to normalize these abilities.


  • Rotated out:
    • Specialized Training
    • Recovery Drone
    • Among Titans
  • Rotated in:
    • Glass Cannon
    • Big Fish
    • Perfect Form


  • Perfect Form
    • Normal hit cooldown reduction :: 20% (max 2s) → 15% (Max 1.5s)
    • Light hit cooldown reduction :: 6.66% (max 0.66s) → 5% (Max 0.5s)
  • Orb Ponderer
    • Orb Cooldown Reduction (Before max stacks) :: 15% → 17.5%
  • Rampage
    • Base Size: 5% → 7.5%
  • Reptile Remedy
    • Max stagger increase: 350 → 400

Slick Kicks has been straight up really good for the past 10 years. Let’s try to give other Forward gear some love.

  • Slick Kicks
    • Speed boost duration 1.5 → 1.25
  • Stacks on Stacks
    • Speed per stack :: 0.08% → 0.075%
    • (Max speed :: 12/24% → 11.25/22.5%)

Increasing the duration of burns from Stinger so that quick reapplications of the debuff are weaker. This’ll be particularly noticeable when multiple people take Stinger and try and burn you to death.

  • Stinger
    • Duration :: 2.5s → 4s (Damage per second effectively reduced from 3% → 2%)
      • Note: Stinger does not prevent stagger regen so this won’t keep you from healing any longer than before.
    • Burn :: 7.5% (2.5% for LIGHT hits) → 8% (2.66% for LIGHT hits)
  • Twin Drive
    • Secondary Cooldown Increase :: 5% → 2.5%

VV hasn’t really been poppin for a while. With the global stagger increase with the last big patch, VV was effectively healing you less. This should help it be decent again.

  • Vicious Vambrace
    • Heal% :: 40% → 45%
    • Core Heal% :: 8% → 9%


  • Mako Japanese VO is once again Japanese.
  • Zentaro Secondary dash will now travel full distance over terrain.
  • Modified amount of time before Asher special starts applying hits to reduce leaks during it spawn.
  • Rasmus secondary should no longer occasionally fail to cast. (Let us know if it does)
  • Multiple awakenings that reduce the base cooldown of an ability should now always stack correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where players using controllers could sometimes stop the core in place.
  • Player reports now show confirmation of successful report submission.
  • Slot swap UI should now be correct for all languages.
  • Various small bug fixes.