Omega Strikers - November 30th Update - Update Notes

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This official update post is copied verbatim from the Omega Strikers Steam page:
It is copyrighted by Odyssey Interactive.
It was added on 2 November 2023 @ 12:00 AM GMT.

Omega Strikers -- 3.2.0 Patch Notes

Hello dear friends! Welcome to patch 3.2 of your favorite game, Omega Strikers! Today, we’ve got a plethora of new things headed your way to your favorite game Omega Strikers! Additions to your favorite game Omega Strikers include a thunderous new Oni that goes my the name Mako, a new drum n baseball themed map, new events, and more! This isn’t the last patch either - we’ve got a couple more things cooking up that we’ll be shipping to you in your favorite game Omega Strikers, so keep an eye out for that. So, without further ado, let us begin today’s patch notes of your favorite game Omega Strikers.



[NEW] Taiko Temple

Somebody started playing drums on a baseball field and thus Taiko Temple was born! …At least I think that’s the lore? (It probably isn’t, guess you’ll have to partake in the Oni event). Smash the core and enemies into the drums for some extra bounce, then round the bases after your home run.

Maps Rotation

  • Rotated Out: Night Market, Atlas’s Lab
  • Rotated In: Taiko Temple, Ai.Mi’s App

Maps' Chance to Roll: All existing maps have an equal chance to roll in Ranked play. In normal and quick play, Taiko Temple will have a heightened percentage for the first weekend of the patch.

Custom Games

Continued improvements to custom games! We want to make it even easier for you to join up some customs with the homies, so now we have a custom game browser!

  • Create a Custom Lobby
  • Public/Private room
  • Lobby Size
  • Spectators enabled/disabled
  • Browse Custom Lobbies
  • Search by Lobby name / owner
  • Filter by game mode / lobby size / map etc.


Dreams and Nightmares. Nameplates. Titles. Emotes. You pick.

New Skins!

  • Alpharad Rune
  • Dream Era
  • Nightmare Era
  • Nightmare Vyce

New Nameplates!

  • Creator Nameplates
    • Alpharad
    • IKeepIt Taco… again
    • Mang0
    • Nyanners

Pro Team Nameplates

    • One for each canon team!


Mako icon.png Mako

We’re finally getting the band back together! Mako is the final piece of the puzzle for the Oni twins - and for your team comp! She’s got plenty of tools to defend the net or hit a home run by using her trusty bats and Taiko drums to beat down enemies, amp up allies, and snare the Core. So if you’re up against Mako, be sure to bring some ear plugs, it’s gonna get loud!!

    • Knock the Core in a direction with a LIGHT hit.
    • Every hit, gain a Beat. At 8 Beats, this Strike will be empowered with a larger size, more Core knockback, and it can hit enemy Strikers.
    • Push-and-hold this ability for up to 4s to push away enemies and BUFF all allies, granting 30% HASTE and 30% Size while drumming and for 1.5s after. Upon releasing the ability, emit a LIGHT shockwave that blasts enemies away from you.
    • Gain a Beat upon using this ability and another every 1s it's held.
    • Push-and-hold to wind up a huge swing. On release, swing the bat for a LIGHT hit. After .25ss the swing will also connect with a drum, launching it forward as a PROJECTILE. Charge up to 1.25s for a stronger swing.
    • The wind up can be held for 2.5s.
    • Launch your drums towards enemies as a PROJECTILE. On hitting an enemy CREATE a trap that will let targets enter but will knock them back when they attempt to escape.

Ai.Mi icon.png Ai.Mi

Ai.Mi was racking up the dubs at elite tiers while eating Ls at lower ranks. We're hoping this change evens her out for everyone.

    • Cooldown :: 35s → 30s
    • PvP Damage & Knockback :: 125 (+62.5% Power) → 115 (+57.5% Power)
    • Core Knockback unchanged

Asher icon.png Asher

Call us the exterminators because we’re DESTROYING these Asher bugs. For good measure, we're giving her a few extra changes to get her back on her feet.

    • Barrier duration now scales with creation duration
      • Note: Barriers on enemy’s side of the field still break after 1 hit
    • Cooldown :: 18s → 17s
      • (Bugfix) Adjusted her dash hitbox to hopefully prevent cases where she is unable to buffer her dash-> strike combo
    • (Bugfix) Now hits all overlapping enemies when transforming to prevent cores from sneaking through

Dubu icon.png Dubu

Dubu was often becoming a ghost from getting knocked out so often… maybe that’s what inspired DuBoo?

  • Stagger growth :: 500 → 600
    • Cooldown :: 20s → 19s

Finii icon.png Finii



Kazan icon.png Kazan

Kazan has proven to be frustrating for others to face off against, even when he's not finding much success on the field. We are shifting his playstyle away from being an attrition brawler and more towards a mix of core-control/brawler depending on his form. This is a pretty hefty change, so we’ll be watching him closely and keeping an ear out for feedback and will be counting on you all to help us steer him in the right direction if you aren’t feeling these changes. TL;DR : Kazan’s closed umbrella form is being adjusted to be better at core controlling (and worse at brawling) while his open form is being tuned to be better at knocking people out. We also hit him with a couple quality of life changes.

    • Hit type :: Normal → Light (<- this is important)
    • PvP damage :: 140 (+70% Power) → 110 (+55% Power)
    • PvP knockback (if staggered) :: 170 (+85% Power) → 250 (+125% Power)
    • Core knockback Unchanged
    • Cooldown :: 11s → 7.5s
    • Channel time :: 0.2 → 0.15
    • Linger time :: 0.5 → 0.35
    • Hit type :: Normal → Light (<- this is important)
    • PvP damage & knockback :: 140 (+70% Power) → 120 (+60% Power)
    • Core knockback :: 1260 (+140% Power) → 1220 (+120% Power)
    • Cooldown :: 11s → 10s
    • Hitbox size :: 350 → 475
      • [BUGFIX] Super Surge no longer amplifies Pop-Up’s damage.
      • [BUGFIX] No longer instantly warps to the maximum range of dash if dash attack special is triggered while in terrain.
    • PvP damage & knockback :: 170 (+85% Power) → 220 (110% Power)
    • Core knockback :: 1320 (+170% Power) → 1390 (205% Power)
    • Push effect prior to final hit :: Reduced by 60%
    • Improved ability to capture core during the spin.
    • PvP damage & knockback :: 200 (+100% Power) → 230 (+120% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1380 (+200% Power) → 1395 (+207.5% Power)
    • Cooldown :: 3s → 1.5s

Nao icon.png Nao

Nao’s power went to the moon with our last set of (back-to-back) changes. These should bring her back to earth. Sell sell sell!

  • Stagger growth :: 375 → 250
    • Cooldown :: 10 → 12
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 140 (+70% Power) → 110 (+55% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1260 (+140% Power) → 1200 (+110% Power)
    • Disarm Time :: 0.8 ->0.6

Rune icon.png Rune

For real please stop banning Rune!! He’s nerfed again, you can play him!!

    • Cooldown :: 7.5 → 8
    • Core Knockback :: 1405(+212% Power) → 1175(+170% Power)
    • PvP Values unchanged
    • Core Knockback :: 1405(+212% Power) → 1175(+170% Power)
    • PvP Values unchanged

X icon.png X

We buffed X a few patches ago and he was once again giving it to us. This is a light touch to make sure he doesn’t continue to over perform!

    • Cooldown :: 13 → 15


Somebody picked up ALL THE ORBS and now they’re gone again what the heck! We’ve taken out Orb awakenings while we wait for them to respawn, so try your hand at this brand-new batch of supportive awakenings! Titans will soon walk among us, so you can find new ways to lead your team to victory with all the giants walking around the field with this rotation. P.S. We’ve also DEMOLISHED some PANCAKES!!

  • [NEW] Among Titans
    • Lose 30% Size and gain 15% Speed. Your teammates gain 15% Size.
  • [NEW] Team Player
    • Strikes hit the core 20% harder when aiming towards an ally. If that ally strikes the core within 1.5 seconds they will hit the core 20 % harder, if they strike towards an ally they can transfer this effect.
  • [NEW] Spark of Leadership
    • SPARK - Your Allies gain 50% of your SPARK effects. Gain 5 Cooldown Rate, 150 Stagger, 8 Power, and 2% Speed.
  • [ROTATED OUT] :: Orb Dancer, Orb Ponderer, Orb Replicator, Stacks on Stacks
  • [ROTATED IN] :: Among Titans, Team Player, Spark of Leadership, Demolitionist

Big Fish? More like… Medium Fish? This should bring this awakening to more of like an Above Average Fish but Not Quite Huge Fish.

  • Big Fish
    • Size increase :: 25% → 30%

Glass cannon had too much time out of combat while it wasn’t in the rotation. We’ll reset its stacks to keep things fair.

  • Glass Cannon
    • Power per stack :: 8 → 6
    • Speed per stack :: 4 → 3
    • Max stacks :: 4 → 6
    • Time until fully charged :: 10s → 15s

Heavy impact is a bit of an outlier in terms cooldown reduction so we're going to bring it into alignment with the other cooldown reducers.

  • Heavy impact
    • Maximum cooldown reduced :: 14s → 7s

With all his stagger buddies gone, this is no longer what Peak Performance looks like… Hopefully this change piques your interests and returns him to his former glory.

  • Peak Performance
    • Speed conversion per 100 Stagger :: 0.5% → 0.6%

Primetime has had a long fall from grace, and after giving others a chance to shine, it's coming back for its time slot.

  • Primetime
    • Hit power Reduction:: 15% → 10%
    • Core Hit power reduction :: 3% → 2%

Siphoning wand was too good on some Strikers and not good enough on everyone else. We’re retuning it to be more in line with other awakenings by treating light hits and normal hits differently. We are giving it a small buff to make up for overall nerf it’ll be taking.

  • Siphoning Wand
    • Normal hit drain :: 5% → 6%
    • Light hit drain :: 5% → 2%
    • Heal amount :: 100% → 150% of damage dealt

Oh, you want two abilities? Ha ha ha, sure. (Monkey’s paw curls.) Twin Drive now lets you cast abilities twice, but it’ll have a longer cooldown.

  • Twin Drive
    • Cooldown Modifier:: -5% → +5%
      • (Bug fix) Fixed a bug where Twin Drives cooldown reduction wasn’t applying
      • That’s a nerf btw. Twin Drive makes your cooldowns 5% longer.


  • Demolitionist no longer triggers multiple times per barrier.
  • Casting Primary into Secondary sometimes make the secondary cancel
  • Fixed missing VOs for Octavia, Vyce, Spirit Warden Zentaro, Magician Rasmus, and Pop King Kai
  • Various minor bugfixes