Omega Strikers - Rune Update Patch Notes (10/20)

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Hello gamers, may I have your attention please??
It's your friend Ody Aesop here again with your other friends, game designers Ody Wav3 and Ody Sotere. We're here to bring you yet another update to your new favorite game, Omega Strikers.

This update features a good haul of new stuff - we've got a new Striker, new trainings, a new mode (we're calling it Clash of Clones), new buffs, new nerfs. Man, I just love new stuff.

Also, you may not have known this, but people in Ahten celebrate Halloween too! We've got some wicked skins, some ghoulish emotes, and some other spooky stuff all coming your way. (I ran out of Halloween adjectives.)

With all that being said, let's get into the full details!

System Changes


Following the last patch, we're happier with the increased goalie diversity, but we think we can still do better. Additionally, our efforts to tune down the KO-centric compositions were decently effective - but we're going to keep tweaking things to make sure that everyone feels as if they're playing both a PvP game and a Core controlling one. We expect players to master both aspects, BRAWLIN' n SCORIN' to succeed at the highest tiers of play.

  • Respawn Timer
    • 8s → 7s
  • Respawn Timer in Overtime
    • 12s → 11s
  • Knockback
    • Slightly weaker against unstaggered enemies


  • Gameplay servers used in matchmaking have now been changed. If you have low ping to multiple datacenters, you will try to find matches in all of them immediately.


No new maps for now, but we'll have some more coming soon!

  • [BUGFIX] :: Strikers can no longer be knocked through the walls on Split

Power Orbs

  • [BUGFIX] :: Orange Orb was fixed in the Ai.Mi update to actually grant additional damage, but it missed the patch notes, so we're catching up here!

UI Improvements

  • Tactical Callouts
    • You can now propose tactics to your teammates in-game! Or perhaps tell a defender to move a little bit out of your goal arc!
  • The in-game emoticon wheel is now functional on a controller. The right analog stick can be used to select the emoticon to show.
  • The emoticon wheel now has a default center selected option that can be quickly triggered.
  • Fixed drag and drop on controllers. Emoticons can now be equipped and settings sliders can be adjusted with a controller.
  • You can no longer click on the version number in the top right corner when you're in a match.
  • In the Ai.Mi update we unlocked all Striker lore instead of gating it behind wins. Just noting here so you can catch up on it if you weren't aware!
  • VSync is no longer forced by the game, so it should work more easily with your default settings.
  • Pips on the Discord and Twitter icons will no longer reappear every game restart.
  • Redeeming a code will now correctly play the claim sequence and show what has been granted.
  • The settings menu can now be quickly opened from the main menu by hitting the "Escape" key, or left center button on controller.

Clash of Clones

Our first new LIMITED TIME mode will see you teaming up with like-minded individuals on like-minded - and like-looking - Strikers. You and your teammates will all play as the same randomly-assigned Striker - pitted against a team of 3 of the same (but different) randomly-picked enemy Striker. Get ready for Maelstroms flying all over the place or 3 X icon.png Xs all up in your business.

New Striker - Rune icon.png Rune

Rune icon.png Rune - The Shadow's Force

"Let's win before... before it consumes me. "

  • Strike
    • Hit the Core in a direction.
  • Secondary Ability: Shadow Swap
    • On round start, place your shadow at your location. On cast, become Elusive and DASH to your shadow, swapping places with it. 2 charges.
  • Primary Ability: Unstable Anomaly
    • Conjure an expanding anomaly that initially deals a MEDIUM hit to enemies. If it reaches maximum size, it CREATES a lingering zone that pulses HEAVY hits. 2 charges.
  • Special Ability: Banish
    • Launch a shadow wave PROJECTILE that banishes, slows, and damages enemies over time. Banished enemies cannot be targeted or interacted with.


Ai.Mi icon.png Ai.Mi

Ai.Mi icon.png Ai.Mi showed us that she really is no longer a virtual assistant. She's been a popular pick, but she hasn't really been turning her offensive pressure into a ton of wins. Her base stagger got was low on release, so we're giving her back the standard amount so she doesn't get turned into a bunch of 1's and 0's again.

  • Base Stagger :: 1000 → 1100
  • Firewall Sentry [SPECIAL]
    • Improved clarity on the missiles
  • Some new VO lines for new allies (Rune)

Asher icon.png Asher

Asher icon.png Asher is the first of a few strikers who are just getting some gameplay clarity love. We want enemies to know when they should get out of the way, and we don't want allies out there catching strays.

  • Pathsplitter [SPECIAL]
    • Improved team clarity

Atlas icon.png Atlas

Atlas icon.png Atlas has incredibly powerful tools and utility, but so far, other goalies have pretty regularly been outshining him. We're hoping this little buff expands your options when picking who to defend with. (Or if you're like me, Cosmic Expand the Core right into your own net more often!) If you're feeling really edgy, this is more goal stuffing opportunities as forward Atlas icon.png Atlas!

  • Cosmic Expanse [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 20s → 18s
    • Duration after expansion :: .3s → .35s
  • Celestial Intervention [SPECIAL]
    • Duration :: 2.5s → 3s

Drek'ar icon.png Drek'ar

Drek used Xeno Cloak so we couldn't find him for buffs or nerfs this time around... but we did see him quick enough to spot a bug with his Molten Bolt that we're fixing.

  • Molten Bolt [SPECIAL]
    • No longer spreads from infected targets if they're Elusive, Banished, or Knocked Out

Dubu icon.png Dubu

The tofu king went from the clear-cut #1 goalie to... a still dominant goalie, but slightly less clear-cut #1. We're taking a bite out of his defensive capabilities this time around.

  • Tofu Fortress [SPECIAL]
    • Cooldown :: 35s → 40s

Era icon.png Era

After some nerfs to her and some of her favorite trainings getting cut down a bit, Era icon.png Era needs a bit of attention so that she's no longer an outcast from your Striker select. Also, although Era icon.png Era is pretty private, she's now able to show you if it's an allied or enemy Maelstrom heading your way.

  • Flutter Fly [SECONDARY]
    • HASTE duration :: 1.75s → 2.25s
  • Magical Maelstrom [SPECIAL]
    • Improved team clarity

Juliette icon.png Juliette

We were a little hesitant to nerf Juliette icon.png Juliette AND her meta trainings last update. However, despite said training nerfs, she preserved, and got back into the gym seemingly unscathed. We're going for a more direct approach this time.

  • Fiery Fist [PRIMARY]
    • [BUGFIX] :: We put in some nerfs right after the game release, but they just didn't stick, and we're putting them back in.
    • Player Knockback :: 180 (+90% Power) → 165 (85% Power)
    • Player Damage :: 180 (+90% Power) → 165 (85% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 940 (+355% Power) → 925 (+350% Power)
  • Flying Phoenix [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 12s → 14s

Juno icon.png Juno

We're giving some love to Juno icon.png Juno's base Blobbo duration to remove some of her dependence on Trainings specialist icon.pngCreator of Durable Things - especially after its nerf (See TRAININGS).

  • Strike with Friends (STRIKE)
    • Base Duration for Blobbos :: 2 → 2.25

Kai icon.png Kai

When playing forward, Kai icon.png Kai was a little behind the curve - but last patch saw his competition being brought down and him finding a new role, so now he's seeing the other end of the stick. Having more projectiles may help get the final push for a goal but the extra time shooting and increased cooldown should make him less effective as a goalie.

  • Barrage [PRIMARY]
    • Number of PROJECTILES :: 5 → 6
    • Cooldown :: 8 → 9
    • Player Knockback :: 50 (+25% Power) → 40 (20% Power)
    • Player Damage :: 50 (+25% Power) → 40 (20% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 400 (+150% Power) → 395 (+150% Power)

Luna icon.png Luna

Luna icon.png Luna hasn't really been blasting off in her expected fashion. We're giving her a tiny b.o.o.s.t.

    • Cooldown :: 16s → 14s
  • [BUGFIX] :: Removed incorrect VO when teamed up with Asher

X icon.png X

We gave it to X icon.png X in the last update. His brawling isn't what it once was, but we think he's just a small Rush away from his next K.O.

  • Bull Rush [SECONDARY]
    • Player Knockback :: 200 (+100% Power) → 210 (105% Power)
    • Player Damage :: 200 (+100% Power) → 210 (+105% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 990 (+375% Power) → 1000 (+375% Power)
  • X Maximus!
    • Duration :: 3.25s → 3.5s
  • [BUGFIX] Some small grammar fixes in lore and you can now see his X Maximus! damage in advanced tooltips and the Striker Lore.


We went pretty hard on making Training choice matter, and we think we hit our mark. We're doing some cleanup (read: nerfs) of trainings that seem a touch over the top. More importantly, we're introducing 5 new trainings into the game - one for each Style!!

New Trainings

Trainings sniper icon.pngStrike Shot

  • Every 6s, Strike also fires a LIGHT hit PROJECTILE.

Trainings controller icon.pngHot Shot

  • Hitting the Core with an ability lowers its cooldown by 35% (max 3.5s). Hit the Core 12% harder.

Trainings speedster icon.pngAcrobatics

  • Basic MOVEMENT abilities store an extra charge and can be cast again if the cooldown is available, but they have 5% longer cooldowns.

Trainings brawler icon.pngPrize Fighter

  • Gain 7 Power. Takedowns grant 4 additional Power, stacking up to 7 times. 2 stacks are lost if K.O.'d.

Trainings specialist icon.pngAdrenaline Rush

  • Earning a Takedown grants 60% HASTE for 2s and reduces cooldowns by 8s. Gain 15 Speed.

Balance Changes and Bugfixes

Trainings specialist icon.pngCast to Last

  • BUFFS, DEBUFFS, and HASTES last 75% longer → 60% longer

Trainings specialist icon.pngCreator of Durable Things

  • CREATION duration :: 100% → 75%

Trainings specialist icon.pngExtra Special

  • SPECIAL ability cooldown reduced :: 15% → 20%

Trainings controller icon.pngStagger Swagger

  • Stagger regen per second :: 150 → 175

Trainings sniper icon.pngStinger

  • [BUGFIX] :: Tooltip now reflects the actual damage dealt (3.5/7.0/10.5% of target's maximum Stagger over 0.75/1.5/2.25s)

Trainings brawler icon.pngUnstoppable

  • Knockback Resist :: 5-20% based on current Stagger → 40% at all times while not Staggered
  • HASTE :: 5-20% based on current Stagger → 5-15% based on current Stagger


The spooky season is upon us. We stopped by the Halloween store, you know, the one that replaced that shoe store down the street, and picked up some special treats and to pack up and send your way. Additionally, all base emotes now have accompanying VO! Crazy!

New Skins (coming soon!)

  • Vampire Era
  • Duboo
  • Nurse Estelle


  • All emotes now have accompanying VO

New Goal Explosions

  • [NEW] :: Underworld Kai Explosion
  • Orbital Force Goal SFX improved
