Omega Strikers - February 14th Update - Update Notes

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This official update post is copied verbatim from the Omega Strikers Steam page:
It is copyrighted by Odyssey Interactive.
It was added on 14 February 2024 @ 12:00 AM GMT.

What's up gang! Like I said in a previous patch, most of the team is still working on super secret stuff. (If you want to test that super secret stuff, make sure to sign up here:

BUT the rest of us are COMMITTED to bringing you the updates that we can!! We love OS just as much as you all <3

That being said, today's update features a couple goodies that you might enjoy. (FINALLY, OCTAVIA SKIN!!! STOP TWEETING AT ME!!!)

So let us begin!!



YES you can DM your friends in OS! Had a good teammate and want to play with them again? Add them and shoot em a DM directly in the Omega Strikers client! I swear to god if you use this to be toxic I'll send you to your room and take away your iPad time


Things look a little different, a little slicker in-game now! Check it out 8) Original HUD can still be used via game settings


  • Rotated in :: [REWORKED]Gates of Obscura, Night Market
  • Gates of Obscura
    • Goal barrier shape changed
    • No longer spawns corner portals
    • No longer spawns additional portals in overtime

Here's what it looks like
Gates of Obscura Example.png

  • Rotated out
    • Clarion Corp, Ahten City



LIGHT hits now grant "regeneration lockout" for less time than normal hits. (Regeneration lockout meaning the time it takes until you start to regenerate stagger.) We expect this change to effect a number of strikers, so we'll be keeping an eye on those impacted to make sure no strikers were caught in the cross fire.

  • Regeneration lockout from LIGHT hits: 2.375s → 1.625s

Ai.Mi icon.png Ai.Mi

Ai.Mi enjoyers have worked their way back to above the top of the win rates.

    • Cooldown :: 30s → 35s

Asher icon.png Asher

    • [BUGFIX] :: The Core should no longer go through Asher's Primary Shield (I think for real this time) ive written this 90 times dude. yeah but this time I did the fix xdd. Unironically I actually think its fixed. I applied the same fix to the special and it worked too well and I had to pull it out cause it let you insta farm max energy and I was worried about performance. Cause they just hit between each other insanely fast. Truly made unstoppable force vs immovable object xdd

Atlas icon.png Atlas

The Steadfast Protector has fallen out of favor for a bit, this'll open up more opportunities for his teammates to LIVE.

    • Cooldown :: 50s → 45s

Drek'ar icon.png Drek'ar

Drek is sleeper OP and his mains are winning hella much.

    • Cooldown 7.5s → 8s

Dubu icon.png Dubu

Forward Dubu is a menace. Kill him.

  • Stagger Growth Tier :: 600 → 500

Finii icon.png Finii

Finii is kinda on the struggle bus recently.

    • Cast range :: 700 → 750

Juliette icon.png Juliette

Last patch we hit Jules with a couple nerfs and she is still performing a touch below expectations.

  • Fiery Fist [Primary]
    • Cooldown 8 → 7.5

Juno icon.png Juno

Stepping on them blobbos was hurtin.

    • Blobbo PvP Damage & Knockback :: 165 (+82.5% Power) → 150 (+75% Power)
    • Core Knockback unchanged

Kazan icon.png Kazan

Kazan's ban rate was through the ROOFS. We get it, we're bringing him back into the house of the roof he broke. (Does that make sense? Does anyone even read these? Hello?)

    • Cooldown :: 15 → 16
    • PvP Damage & Knockback :: 230 (+115% Power) → 215 (+107.5% Power)
    • Core Knockback 1395 (+207.5% Power) → 1387.5 (+203.75% Power)
    • Base hitbox size :: 420 → 350
      • [BUGFIX] Now scales properly with size.
    • Cooldown :: 10 → 11

Luna icon.png Luna

Fixing a bug affecting her most popular Goalie gear is a buff to her, so we thought we'd shout it out up here instead of the Bugfix section.

    • [BUGFIX] Should now correctly have cooldown reduced by eject button on all casts originating on your side of the field.

Nao icon.png Nao

Nao was proving to be notably powerful at higher tiers of play where her healing is best utilized. We're taking out some of the power from her SPECIAL as well as providing more counterplay options against her.

  • Stagger growth Tier :: 250 → 125
    • Cooldown :: 40s → 45s
    • % Missing Health Healed :: 50% → 40%
    • Range :: 1600 → 1500
    • Disarm Time :: 0.6 → 0.5

Rasmus icon.png Rasmus

Forward Rasmus wasn't really doing much in the brawl department, so we're touching that up a bit for him. Hope he notices and gives me a raise.

    • PvP Damage & Knockback :: 140 (+70% Power) → 150 (+75% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1260(+140% Power) → 1280 (+150% Power)
    • PvP Damage :: 200 (+100% Power) → 230(+115% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1350(+400% Power) → 1395 (+400% Power)
    • PvP Knockback unchanged

Rune icon.png Rune

Rune was struggling at higher tiers where players were often blocking his pillars before they could spawn. Generally we like this kind of counterplay, but the interaction felt a bit too one-sided. We've lined up his Pillars LIGHT hit damage with their knockback to add some more OOMPH to those fizzles.

    • PvP Damage :: 150 (+75% Power) → 187.5 (+93.75% Power)
    • Knockback unchanged
    • PvP Damage :: 150 (+75% Power) → 187.5 (+93.75% Power)
    • Knockback unchanged

Vyce icon.png Vyce

Similar to Luna, this is a bugfix buff we're calling out here instead of making you read all the bugfixes (which you should anyway).

    • [BUGFIX] Now properly chains to nearby enemies if it initially hits the Core.


FINALLY OCTAVIA IS GETTING DRESSED UP!!! AND ANOTHER ASHER SKIN HOLY HELL LOOK AT THAT Also Dubu got a new partner on the force in Ludwig and Vyce is becoming an Oni of your dreams.

  • NEW SKINS!!!
    • Ludwig Dubu
    • Dream Octavia
    • Dream Vyce
    • Shogun Asher
  • New Nameplates
    • Ludwig Break Time
    • You Know Rayditz Had To Do It To 'Em
  • New Emotes
    • A handful of community made emotes! (More to come!)


    • Super Surge
    • Big Fish
    • Peak Performance
    • Reverberation
    • Egoist
    • Spark of Leadership
    • [NEW] Recovery Drone
      • Gain 30% size. The first time each set you would be KO'd, prevent it.
    • [NEW] Explosive Entrance
      • DASH range, BLINK range, and HASTE effects increased 70%. Your IMPACT abilities hit 12.5% harder (2.5% on Core).
    • [NEW] Siege Machine
      • PROJECTILES gain 30% travel or cast range. CREATIONS gain 30% duration and hit 15% harder (3% to Core).
    • [REWORK] Unstoppable
      • Gain a shield that protects you from 100% of the damage and 100% knockback from the first hit you take. This shield recharges at the start of each round and after 7.5s of not getting hit.

We're happy with the direction of the changes for CtL and Chronoboost, but they're a bit weaker than we'd like. We're giving them some love. A lil smooch for Valentine's Day.

  • Cast to Last
    • Buff & Debuff Duration :: +40% → +45%

We're happy with the direction of the changes for CtL and Chronoboost, but they're a bit weaker than we'd like. We're giving them some love. A lil smooch for Valentine's Day.

  • Chronoboost
    • Movement ability boost :: +70% → +75%

EB was exceptionally strong on Strikers that made good use of it!

  • Eject Button
    • Secondary Cooldown Reduction :: 30% → 15%

From the early data we scoped out from the last patch we noticed the initial implementation of Spark of Leadership was stronk.

  • Spark of Leadership
    • Ally Effect share 50% → 40%

Core hogs were pigging out on the VV healing. We're hoping this will pull VV back in line.

  • Vicious Vambrace
    • Healing from core hits :: 10% → 8%


  • Vyce SPECIAL VFX is now always displayed.
  • Mako's basic strikes no longer count as normal hits for the purposes of Awakenings / Energy generation.
  • Mako's SPECIAL hitbox should now properly trigger in the right location.
  • Mako's PRIMARY no longer travels in an incorrect direction when cast at the last second.
  • Juno's Blobbo's hits should now properly be attributed to the abilities that spawned them for the purposes of awakenings.
  • Eject button now correctly grants reduces the cooldown for all SECONDARIES cast on your side of the field.
  • Core hit sounds are no longer significantly louder on some Clarion Corp map variants.
  • Evading will now prevent damage from Project OBSCURA pools on Clarion Corp.
  • Fight or Flight speed boost will now correctly activate on allied hits.
  • Spark of Leadership no longer grants your teammates an additional SPARK for their awakenings and the ability to share their SPARK effects.
  • Adjusted how Team Player determines if the hit was a pass. On average, it will be less strict on close passes, but stricter on far passes.
  • Games will now only surrender if at least one person on the team starts a surrender vote, even if all players on that team are detected as inactive.
  • Fixed a bug that would result in Zentaro dashing in place under various circumstances
  • Dubu's SPECIAL no longer interrupts his SECONDARY
  • Dubu's SPECIAL no longer blocks players who are ELUSIVE
  • Nao PRIMARY tooltip adjusted to reflect actual cooldown
  • Drek'ar should no longer briefly lose his stealth if he casts his SECONDARY right after casting another ability
  • Players should (hopefully) no longer bounce off the hole in Ai.Mi's App in rare circumstances
  • Various other small bug fixes