Omega Strikers - April 12th Update - Season 3! - Update Notes

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This official update post is copied verbatim from the Omega Strikers Steam page:
It is copyrighted by Odyssey Interactive.
It was added on 12 April 2024 @ 12:00 AM GMT.

GOOD DAY STRIKERS!! We're here with Omega Strikers update 4 POINT 0!!!!!!! We've got some new things we cooked up for you, ranging from a new friends list, new awakenings, new custom game options, and new gameplay changes to like every striker! (Keep reading for that) This will also mark the beginning of A NEW SEASON!!! With all of that out of the way, let us begin.


  • New Friends List
    • Now displays current game status!
    • Online, In Queue, In Game.
  • Custom Lobby Ping Filter
    • Filter out some custom games so your ping isn't hella high.

Divergent Base Stats

  • Strikers now have different initial speed/power/stagger.
  • Each striker is currently on a "tier" of the new base stats, but we these stats will likely branch out in the future.
  • On average, strikers recieved an incease to their base stagger to dampen damage-focused playstyles moving into 4.0
  • For example, in general, bigger characters will have more power and stagger but will be slower in contrast to smaller characters. These changes are also to help strikers develop their unique themes and sharpen their identities.
  • Also, this will serve as another balance lever for us!

New Gameplay Rule

We want to reward players for their sickass dribbling and passses while further disincentivize pingponging, so we're changing things up a bit. This new strike/ability adjustment should open up room for some new combos on many strikers while also shaking up "optimal" playstyles for everyone else. You can probably expect cooldown increases to strikers in future patches as we fine tune the game with these new rules.

  • Hitting the CORE with an ability resets your STRIKE cooldown (once per ability cast)
  • Hitting the CORE with strike now reduces your ability cooldowns

Custom Lobby Changes

  • Can now choose starting awakenings, draft type, sets, goals per set, etc.
    • How customizable! Go check it out!


Big changes to Ranked are here! We'll be rolling out the new season starting today. The new season will feature all the goodies we mentioned before!

Ranked Rewards:

  • Aqua Cannon goal explosion
    • (This isn't a seasonal reward btw, this is a forever thing that you'll unlock once you hit challenger any time in the future.)
  • Top "x" titles
    • ex: Top 5, Top 10, Top 25, etc
  • Kazan Recolor
    • For anyone who reaches Gold!
  • An emote for reaching plat
  • An emote for playing a bunch of games
    • 25 Ranked Games to be exact

Most rewards will be based on your Season *Peak* rating, but the titles for "Top X%" will be based on your leaderboard position at the end of the season. We are also working on an external match history webpage for you to track your progress!

Maps and Modes


Picking teams in ranked is getting a shakeup. We're introducing a couple things to the game that'll change up the whole Striker draft. Snake draft, no mirrors, slot trading. Check it out. These changes will hopefully add more game-to-game variance and add to the dynamics of picking!

  • Snake Draft
    • Teams now take turns picking their characters
    • Blue team picks 1, red team picks 2, blue team picks 2, red picks 1.
  • No mirrors
    • You can't pick the same character as your opponent. Time to learn 3 more characters.
  • Slot trading
    • Want your goalie to go first? Trade them!
    • You'll be able to trade before the pick-phase for your team.
    • Ban and pre-selection phase have been slightly extended to give players time to trade.

Map Rotations

  • Rotated in
    • Clarion Corp
    • Inky's Splash Zone
  • Rotated out
    • Atlas's Lab
    • Ai.Mi's App


We whipped up a couple cosmetics and some other goodies for your enjoyment! Especially if you're rich. Also our good ole' community sent some emotes our way. Shouts out to them.

  • Skins
    • Gold Kazan (Ranked Reward)
  • Nameplates
    • Big Spender (2,000,000 SC)
  • New Community Nameplates
  • Emoticons
    • New Community Emoticons
  • Steam Community Items
    • Trading cards, badges, profile wallpapers, and more can be YOURS!!!
      • This is kinda unrelated to game cosmetics but I'm putting it here anyway. Fight me.


Like I mentioned above, Strikers are getting changes to their base stats. We've changed pretty much every Striker because of that, so there will be lots of numbers here. Unlocked Strikers

Ai.Mi icon.png Ai.Mi

Ai.Mi's been all sass and no swipe for the last few patches - especially at low-mid ranks. She's sharpening her claws now!!

  • Cyber Swipe [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 14s → 13s

Asher icon.png Asher

  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 440
    • Power :: 100 → 125
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1400

Atlas icon.png Atlas

  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 440
    • Power :: 100 → 90
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1400

Drek'ar icon.png Drek'ar

Shotgun Lizard developed an upgrade to his active camoflauge. We've shifted some of his power towards his secondary to give help him relive his dreams as an assassin when he ambushes his opponents.

  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 460
    • Power :: 100 → 90
    • Stagger Growth :: 500 → 375
  • Lock and Load [PRIMARY]
    • Cooldown :: 8 → 9
  • Xeno Cloak [SECONDARY]
    • Rework: Become invisible and gain 50% Speed for 1s. Using an ability during this invisibility will reveal you and make that ability hit 25% harder (12.5% to Core).
      • The tooltip in-game is wrong for that, don't worry about it. It's right.

Dubu icon.png Dubu

In addition to his base stat changes, Dubu is getting his old larger strike size back!

  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 435
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1500
  • Strike
    • Strike Range :: 275 → 285

Era icon.png Era

  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 460
    • Power :: 100 → 90
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1300

Estelle icon.png Estelle

  • Base Stats
    • Power :: 100 → 110
    • Stagger Growth :: 375 → 250

Finii icon.png Finii

  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 460
    • Power :: 100 → 90

Juliette icon.png Juliette

  • Base Stats
    • Power :: 100 → 110
    • Stagger Growth :: 500 → 425
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1300
  • Flying Phoenix [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 18s → 16s

Juno icon.png Juno

  • Base Stats
    • Power :: 100 → 90
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1400

Kai icon.png Kai

  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 475
    • Power :: 100 → 90

Kazan icon.png Kazan

  • Base Stats
    • Power :: 100 → 90
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1100

Luna icon.png Luna

  • Base Stats
    • Power :: 100 → 110

Mako icon.png Mako

  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 440
    • Power :: 100 → 110
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1300
  • Drum and Base [SECONDARY]
    • Haste Granted :: 20% → 25%

Nao icon.png Nao

  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 460
    • Power :: 100 → 90
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1100

Octavia icon.png Octavia

Flow State just got a lot faster with her base speed increase. We're gonna preemptively give her a tuning so she doesn't run over the competition.

  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 475
    • Power :: 100 → 75
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1100
  • Flow State [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 18s → 20s

Rasmus icon.png Rasmus

  • Base Stats
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1300

Rune icon.png Rune

  • Base Stats
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1300

Vyce icon.png Vyce

In upper tiers of play, Vyce is a real star. Were turning her volume down just a touch.

  • Base Stats
    • Power :: 100 → 110
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1300
  • Power Chord
    • Damage & Knockback modifier for chained hits :: 60% → 50%
  • Thunderstruck [SECONDARY]
    • Stun Duration :: 0.75s → 0.6s

X icon.png X

X was sad last patch, but nothing will make him feel better than hitting you harder and more frequently!!

  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 440
    • Power :: 100 → 130
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1250
  • Bell Ringer [PRIMARY]
    • Cooldown :: 9s → 8s

Zentaro icon.png Zentaro

  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 460
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1100


  • Rotated out:
    • Spark of Strength
    • Spark of Agility
    • Spark of Focus
    • Spark of Resilience
    • Spark of Leadership
    • Built Different
    • Stagger Swagger
    • Fight or Flight
    • Glass Cannon
  • Rotated in:
    • [NEW] Reptile Remedy
      • Gain 350 Stagger and heal 3% missing Stagger per second for 3 seconds whenever you strike the core.
    • [NEW] Might of the Colossus
      • Gain 15% Size and 1 Power per 1% bonus Size.
    • [NEW] Rampage
      • Gain 5% Size. Whenever you destroy or assist in destroying an enemy barrier, gain 7.5% more size. Lose additional size when KO'd and between sets.
    • Stinger
      • Normal hit burn :: 12% Max stagger → 10% Max Stagger
      • Light hit burn :: 12% Max Stagger → 3.33% Max Stagger
        • No Longer stacks if multiple players apply it to the same target
    • Adrenaline Rush
      • Speed granted from takedown :: 100% → 40%
      • Cooldown refund on takedown :: 5s → 10s
    • Stacks on Stacks
    • Peak Performance
    • Bulk Up
    • Reverberation
    • Heavy Impact
      • CD Refund :: 35% → 30%
      • Maximum CD Refund :: 7s → 3s
        • Heavy Impact had quite the impact on the last patch. We're turning down its cooldown refund capabilities to bring it fully in line with other similar awakenings.
    • Magnetized Soles
      • Haste duration :: 1.5s → 2s
        • Dust off these ole' boots, the weather is changing so it's time to try em out again.
    • Siphoning Wand
      • Normal Hit Drain :: 6% → 5%
      • Light hit Drain :: 2% → 1.66%
        • With base stagger going up across the board were preemptively nerfing Siphoning Wand to keep it from going CRAZY.
    • Stagger Swagger
      • Bonus Movespeed :: 12% → 10%
        • Stagger Swagger is being nerfed on its way out.
    • Strike Shot
      • Cooldown :: 8s → 9s
        • Strike Shot is a staple gear in high tiers. We're nudging it down a touch to give the other options some room to breathe.
    • Team Player
      • Increased what counts as a pass for close-medium ranges.
        • Sometimes Team Player was a bit too gatekeepy about whether your "pass" was truly a pass or just a random redirect. This should make it stop being so stingy.
    • Timeless Creator
      • Creation Duration :: 65% → 75%
        • What's even more timeless than timeless? Timelessless??
    • Unstoppable
      • Recharge Time :: 7s → 6.5s
        • Unstoppable is still struggling to find a home across all tiers of play. We're giving it another nudge on the cooldown to see if it can live up to its dreams.
    • Quick Strikes
      • Strike Cooldown Reduction :: 20% → 15%
      • Energy bonus :: 1 → 2


  • Fixed a bug where some creations visuals would disappear if the player had too much creation duration.
  • Clarion Corp: Project OBSCURA now correctly slows staggered players inside the zone
  • Clarion Corp: Project OBSCURA no longer adds multiple stacks of the intended slow onto staggered players
  • Improved consistency of Asher's Special once it is deployed (Some cases still exist where it will leak as the ability spawns)
  • Attempted to fix a bug where Recovery Drone and Atlas SPECIAL would revive players without cleansing their staggered state.
  • Mako's Primary Projectile now counts as part of her PRIMARY for the purposes of awakenings
  • Vyce Secondary now correctly grants her a Hit whenever she would stun a target with the ability
  • Reduced cases where Juno Blobbos would pass backwards to other Blobbos
  • Strike Shot now correctly has its knockback amped by Missile Propulsion
  • Fixed missing voice line from Shogun Asher's MVP celebration