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Energy is a resource used by Strikers to perform special actions in matches. Strikers start each match with 25 Energy, and reset to 25 at the start of each set in Normal and Competitive. Strikers that get Knocked Out respawn with 25 Energy. It takes 75 Energy to completely fill the Energy meter; any additional Energy gained while the meter is full is wasted.

Gaining Energy

A Striker gains:

  • 1 Energy when landing a Light hit. Strikes are Light hits.
  • 3 Energy when landing a normal hit.
  • 7.5 Energy when collecting a Power Orb.

Using Energy

Energy Meter


Juliette evade.png
When not fully charged, spend Energy to briefly become ELUSIVE, avoiding all incoming damage and knockbacks. Casting an ability ends this effect early. Gains additional effects if cast with 100% Energy.
Cooldown 3s
  • Requires and uses 25 Energy (1 bar).
  • Elusive duration: 1.5s. Using any ability cancels the effect early.
  • Automatically uses Energy Burst instead when used with 75 Energy (3 bars).

Energy Burst

Juliette burst.png
Spend all of your Energy to EVADE and unleash an additional burst of power. This knocks back and stuns enemies momentarily, briefly grants you exclusive control of the Core, and dramatically increases the power of your next hit against it.
Cooldown 3s
Player Knockback 200 + 100%
Damage 200 + 100%
  • Requires and uses 75 Energy (3 bars).
  • Elusive duration: 1.5s. Using any ability cancels the effect early.
  • Hitting the Core while it is under your exclusive control increases the Core Knockback of the hit by 50%.

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Ai.Mi icon.png Ai.MiAsher icon.png AsherAtlas icon.png AtlasDrek'ar icon.png Drek'arDubu icon.png DubuEra icon.png EraEstelle icon.png EstelleFinii icon.png FiniiJuliette icon.png JulietteJuno icon.png JunoKai icon.png KaiKazan icon.png KazanLuna icon.png LunaMako icon.png MakoNao icon.png NaoOctavia icon.png OctaviaRasmus icon.png RasmusRune icon.png RuneVyce icon.png VyceX icon.png XZentaro icon.png Zentaro
BundlesEmotesExpressionsGoal ExplosionsPlayer CardsPlayer TitlesSkins
EnergyExperienceStatsStatus EffectDamage and Knockback