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Sparks are a special set of Awakenings that increase a Striker's stats while also each increasing in the amount given based on the total amount of Sparks possessed in a match.

List of Sparks

Name Description
Spark of Agility
SPARK - Gain 1% Speed, plus 6% per SPARK you have.
Spark of Focus
SPARK - Gain 4 Cooldown Rate, plus 12 per SPARK you have.
Spark of Leadership
Spark of Leadership.png
SPARK - Your Allies gain 40% of your SPARK effects. Gain 5 Cooldown Rate, 150 Stagger, 8 Power, and 2% Speed.
Spark of Resilience
SPARK - Gain 150 max Stagger, plus 250 per SPARK you have.
Spark of Strength
SPARK - Gain 4 Power, plus 22 per SPARK you have.

Effectiveness Chart

Total Sparks Held 1 2 3 4 5
Resilience 400 650 900 1150 1400
Strength 26 48 70 92 114
Agility 7% 13% 19% 25% 31%
Focus 16 28 40 52 64
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