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Arenas (or Maps, as described in the Patch Notes) are the fields where Corestrike matches are played. The arena has a rectangular shape with diagonal corners. When Strikers are knocked back into the top, bottom, or side edges, they are Knocked Out and temporarily removed from play. Before Striker Select, a random variant of the arena is selected for the match.

Goal Features

The two goals are on the left and right ends of the arena, and start each round closed by Goal Gates, physical objects that protect each team's net from being scored on. Each arena features a different layout of Goal Barriers, areas on the ground that can only be touched by the Core. After the Core hits one, it will disappear for the remainder of the round. Shortly after a team's last barrier falls, their Goal Gates will open, granting the enemy team the ability to score.

Goal Arc

Goal Arcs are the color-striped areas on the ground in front of each Goal. Standing within your own team's Goal Arc grants 125 Knockback Resistance and halves the duration of negative status effects such as being Banished or Stunned

Power Orbs

A power orb that appears on Ahten City

All Arenas contain Power Orbs, powerful neutral objectives that spawn at predetermined intervals. Collecting a Power Orb grants Strikers a heal of 7.5% to 30% Stagger (more healing when more damaged), 15 Experience, and 7.5 Energy.

The first Power Orbs in a round spawn 10 seconds after the round has started, and a new set spawns every 20 seconds afterwards. Their spawn locations appear 3 seconds before they spawn. Each set spawns 1 Power Orb at the midfield line and 1 in both team's Goal Arcs, randomly on the top or bottom half of the Arena. If multiple Strikers are standing on a Power Orb when it spawns, all of them gain its benefits.


After 60 seconds have passed during a round, the game enters Overtime. For the rest of the round, until a goal is scored, all Core Knockback effects are increased by 20%.


The current maps in rotation are:

Map Probability (%) Map Preview
Ahten City 14.286 Ahten City
Atlas's Lab 14.286 Atlas' Lab
Clarion Test Chamber 14.286 Clarion Test Chamber
Gates of Obscura 14.286 Gates of Obscura
Inky's Splash Zone 14.286 Inky's Splash Zone
Night Market 14.286 Night Market
Taiko Temple 14.286 Taiko Temple

The current maps out of rotation are:

Map Map Preview
Ai.Mi's App Ai.Mi's App
Demon Dais Demon Dais
Oni Village Oni Village

High Tea Hijinx Maps

Map Probability (%) Map Preview
Map Flipped 25 Map Flipped
Corner Pocket 25 Corner Pocket
Back to Back 25 Back to Back
About Face 25 About Face

All Strikers on the map will have their own Hijinx buff which will grant the following:

  • 125 Move Speed
  • 75 Power
  • 30 Ability Haste
  • 35% Size
    • Note: the maps are larger so the size isn't particularly apparent but missiles and movement abilities cover relatively less distance
  • Increased in-game experience gain.

Map Features

Map Features are unique obstacles or alterations to each map.

  • Ahten City
    • There are 6 Power Orb spawn spots on the map instead of 3.
    • One large Goal Barrier.
  • Ai.Mi's App
    • Center of the map has a hole that acts as a map edge, Knocking Out strikers knocked back into it and bouncing the Core away.
    • Only one Goal Barrier.
  • Atlas's Lab
    • Center of the map has a gravity well. The Gravity Well affects both players and the Core. The Core will arc if hit into the gravity well. If a player or Core hits the center of the well it will explode, dealing a large amount of damage and knockback to everything in the well's radius. Once exploded, the Gravity Well will respawn in 20 seconds, with a red circular timer on the ground indicating when it is respawning.
  • Clarion Test Chamber
    • The Test Chamber is an indoor Arena with 5 different ‘variants.’ Before each round, the Arena morphs into a new variant, changing its terrain and incorporating a new mechanic based on the powers of other strikers. After each Set, the variants reset; however, variants will not repeat within a set.
Variant Probability (%) Effect Variant Preview
Project Bass Drop 20 Speaker bumpers on the corners of the arena activate when Strikers or the Core are Knocked into them, pushing them away at high speed. Project BASS DROP
Project Expanse 20 When the center diamond is touched by any Striker or the Core, it creates a large field similar to Atlas icon.png Atlas' secondary, hitting away Strikers and the Core on contact while shrinking over time. Project EXPANSE
Project Maelstrom 20 A large sphere in the center with a visible 1500 Stagger bar empowers the Striker that destroys it with the following:
  1. +500 Max Stagger, +50% Power, +20% Speed, and +125% Size for 8 seconds.
  2. Instantly lowers the cooldown of any abilities currently on cooldown by 10 seconds.

After being destroyed, it respawns after 20 seconds.

  • Abilities deal damage to the sphere using their Damage values.
  • Strikes can also hit the sphere.
Project Obscura 20 Purple aura areas on the top and bottom of the arena cause Stagger damage over time while Strikers stand within them. Staggered Strikers are massively slowed by 90% and continue to take damage, rendering them unable to naturally heal until they leave the aura. Project OBSCURA
Project Xeno 20 Invisibility vent areas on the top and bottom of the arena turn Strikers invisible while they stand within them, similar to Drek'ar icon.png Drek'ar's secondary. They are temporarily revealed while casting abilities. Project XENO
  • Demon Dais
    • Unique single Goal Barrier setup that requires the Core to hit the barrier twice to fully break. Upon either team's barrier being hit once, speakers on the top and bottom of midfield activate, constantly pushing nearby Strikers and the Core away. When either team's barrier is hit twice and disappears, the speakers affect a larger area.
  • Gates of Obscura
    • At the start of each round, a pair of portals spawns. Both strikers and the Core can pass through portals, teleporting from one to the other. Projectiles do not go through the portals and most character dashes do not either.
  • Inky's Splash Zone
    • One large Goal Barrier that turns the corner behind it into a Knock Out zone for the rest of the round and spawns a switch on the ground in front of the Goal Barrier of the opposite team when broken. When touched, a giant cannon massively pushes both Strikers and the Core with a diagonal water blast after a brief delay. A red circular timer on the ground will appear after the cannon fires and the switch will respawn when the circle completes.
    • Striker respawn points are on the opposite corner of the team's Goal Barrier instead of the corner they usually are.
  • Night Market
    • Center of the map has 2 horizontal walls in the center of the map with a Speed Gate in-between them. A Striker or Core that passes through the Speed Gate will increase in speed for a few seconds. After being used, the Speed Gate will respawn in 4 seconds, with a green circular timer on the ground indicating when it is respawning. If multiple Strikers and/or the Core are between the Speed Gate when it is touched, all of them receive the speed boost.
  • Oni Village
    • Along the top of and bottom sides are permanent Speed Boosters. Both Strikers and the Core gain a 30% movement speed buff when touching them that persists briefly after when moving off of them.
  • Taiko Temple
    • One large drum block in the center of the map activates when Strikers or the Core are Knocked into them, pushing them away at high speed.
    • 8 small drums on the walls of the map activate when Strikers or the Core are Knocked into them, pushing them away at high speed. After a small drum is struck, it cannot activate again for a few seconds, indicated by a circular timer on the drum.

Former Maps

The following variants are not part of the current rotation.

Map Map Icon Image in Gameplay
Center Stage Center Stage Arena icon.png Center Stage as of v1.1.547 (18614).
Home Stretch Home Stretch Arena icon.png Home Stretch as of v1.1.547 (18614).
Narrows Narrows Arena icon.png Narrows (in-game image needed).
Origins Origins Arena icon.png Origins as of v1.1.547 (18614).
Split Split Arena icon.png Split (in-game image needed).
Funnel Funnel Arena icon.png Funnel as of v1.1.547 (18614).
Side Streets Side Streets Arena icon.png Side Streets as of v1.1.547 (18614).

Patch History

Omega Strikers - April 12th Update - Season 3! - Update Notes

  • Rotated in: Clarion Corp, Inky's Splash Zone
  • Rotated out: Atlas' Lab, Ai.Mi's App


  • Rotated out: Clarion Corp, Ahten City
  • Rotated in: Gates of Obscura, Night Market
  • [REWORK] Gates of Obscura
  • Goal barrier shape changed
  • No longer spawns corner portals
  • No longer spawns additional portals in overtime


  • Rotated Out: Night Market, Atlas’s Lab
  • Rotated In: Taiko Temple, Ai.Mi’s App


  • Rotated in :: Ahten City, Demon Dias
  • Rotated out :: Oni Village, Inky’s Splash Zone


  • [NEW] Added Inky's Splash Zone and Gates of Obscura
  • Maps Rotation
    • Rotated Out: Ahten City and Demon Dais will have their places taken by the new maps: Inky's Splash Zone and gates of Obscura
    • Map's Chance to Roll: Historically it's been completely equal, but for the first weekend, Inky's Splash Zone will have a higher chance to appear! We'll probably highlight Gates of Obscura down the road as well!


  • Night Market and Oni Village
    • Oni Village Core speed bonus :: 75 → 100
    • Max Core Speed :: 2,000 → 2,100 (now matches previous Night Market max speed)
    • Night Market Core speed boost will more consistently grant speed up to the max (2,100)
    • [BUGFIX] No longer will slow the Core down if it's already beyond it's max speed (most frequently happens with Energy Burst into strike)


  • Ahten City
    • Now available in ranked/casual modes.


  • Demon Dais
    • Added
  • Ahten City
    • Now spawns 6 Orbs per wave instead of the standard 3
  • Night Market
    • [BUGFIX] Speed gate now grants bonus to all units within its area when it is activated.
    • [BUGFIX]On being hit by the Core, barriers take the standard 1s to fully deactivate (was shorter to match previous visuals)
  • Oni Village
    • [BUGFIX] Speed zones now better match the visuals and do not extend into the corners.
  • Tutorial
    • Updated to better teach players how to aim their Strike and Abilities with controllers and on mobile
    • Default setting for Controllers now has Aim Guidance turned off, letting players aim with their movement stick (Left Stick)
    • [BUGFIX] Goal gates now meet in the middle instead of appearing slightly open during tutorial
    • [BUGFIX] Goal gates in tutorial will no longer disappear when they're closed in the tutorial


  • Night Market
    • Speed Zone recharge time :: 5s → 4s


  • [NEW] Narrows


  • New Map :: Split
  • Split will replace Side Streets. Probability of playing on other maps is unchanged.


  • "Funnel" was added to the rotation
  • Map probabilities were updated
    • Center Stage : 20% → 16.67
    • Funnel : 0% → 16.67
    • Home Stretch : 30% →16.67
    • Origins : 30% → 33.34
    • Side Streets : 20% → 16.67

Omega Strikers Wiki
ArenasAwakeningsGearPatch HistoryPlaybook
StrikersPro League Teams
Ai.Mi icon.png Ai.MiAsher icon.png AsherAtlas icon.png AtlasDrek'ar icon.png Drek'arDubu icon.png DubuEra icon.png EraEstelle icon.png EstelleFinii icon.png FiniiJuliette icon.png JulietteJuno icon.png JunoKai icon.png KaiKazan icon.png KazanLuna icon.png LunaMako icon.png MakoNao icon.png NaoOctavia icon.png OctaviaRasmus icon.png RasmusRune icon.png RuneVyce icon.png VyceX icon.png XZentaro icon.png Zentaro
BundlesEmotesExpressionsGoal ExplosionsPlayer CardsPlayer TitlesSkins
EnergyExperienceStatsStatus EffectDamage and Knockback