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Nao strike.png
Knock the Core in a direction with a LIGHT MELEE hit.
Cooldown 0.9s
Core Knockback 1230 + 125%
Player Knockback 150 + 75%
Damage 75 + 37%
Range 250 (diameter)
Energy Meter


Nao evade.png
When not fully charged, spend Energy to briefly become ELUSIVE, avoiding all incoming damage and knockbacks. Casting an ability ends this effect early. Gains additional effects if cast with 100% Energy.
Cooldown 3s
  • Requires and uses 25 Energy (1 bar).
  • Elusive duration: 1.5s. Using any ability cancels the effect early.
  • Automatically uses Energy Burst instead when used with 75 Energy (3 bars).

Energy Burst

Nao burst.png
Spend all of your Energy to EVADE and unleash an additional burst of power. This knocks back and stuns enemies momentarily, briefly grants you exclusive control of the Core, and dramatically increases the power of your next hit against it.
Cooldown 3s
Player Knockback 200 + 100%
Damage 200 + 100%
  • Requires and uses 75 Energy (3 bars).
  • Elusive duration: 1.5s. Using any ability cancels the effect early.
  • Hitting the Core while it is under your exclusive control increases the Core Knockback of the hit by 50%.

Sentry Drone

Nao primary.png
Launch a drone that hits the first enemy struck. At max range or upon recast, it halts and creates unstable energy that increases in power and size over time, hitting the first enemy struck in the direction cast.
Cooldown 6s
Core Knockback 1260 + 140%
Player Knockback 160 + 80%
Damage 160 + 80%
  • Minimum Charge/Projectile Core Knockback: 834 + 90%
  • Fully Charged Core Knockback: 1668 + 180%
  • Fully charged PvP Knockback and Damage: 320 + 160%
  • Reaches maximum strength after 2s, regardless of duration.
  • Minimum recast time 0.1 seconds.
  • Duration: 3.5s

Proximity Drone

Nao secondary.png
Deploy a drone at a target location that lasts up to 15s and detonates on contact with a friendly player, hitting enemies away. Nearby allies restore 20% max stagger and gain a 50% Haste BUFF for 1.5s. Enemies can disarm the drone by briefly standing on it.
Cooldown 12s
Core Knockback 1180 + 100%
Player Knockback 100 + 50%
Damage 100 + 50%
Range 875 (deploy range), 650 (explosion diameter)
  • Deploy takes 0.25 seconds.
  • Disarm takes 0.5 seconds.
  • Counts as 1 LIGHT hit for each ally affected for the purposes of Awakenings, including Nao herself.


Nao special.png
Become ELUSIVE and BLINK to a target location near yourself or an ally, restoring 40% of nearby allies' missing stagger on arrival. Within the next 3.25s, recast to BLINK back to your starting position.
Cooldown 45s
  • Range: 1500
  • Blink duration: 0.4s



Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Stagger 1100 1127 1155 1183 1211 1239 1266 1294 1322 1350
Power 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
Speed 455 455 455 455 455 455 455 455 455 455
Cooldown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Nao's an enigma on the Corestrike fields. Her appearance and demeanor would lead you to believe her playstyle would be straight business—knocking out opponents and scoring goals—but she instead focuses on healing her allies. These abilities are a welcome sight for teammates that have suffered onslaughts of magic, tech, and raw physical might.

Nao was adopted at a young age by a loving father who nurtured her talents and interests as she grew. From the time she could speak, Nao displayed an outstanding intelligence and a shrewd entrepreneurial streak. She would develop all manner of business ventures, usually alongside a new technology or invention she had recently thrown together. Unlike with other children her age, these weren't idle ventures or lemonade stands; Nao treated them seriously and managed to make healthy profits by the time she was a teenager.

Naturally, she idolized the work of Clarion Corp. She was awestruck by its ingenuity and the sheer scale of impact its technologies had on the world. She believed it to be a force for good and the pinnacle of entrepreneurial achievement. She would spend countless hours with her father, poring over every last detail of Clarion's quarterly reports or intently watching and rewatching the keynotes of the organization's scion, Rasmus, at its yearly developer conferences.

Indeed, by the time Nao was a teenager she became particularly enamored with Rasmus. He was the head of Clarion Corp's R&D department and his public addresses were always filled with bold visions for humanity's future fueled by the harnessing of Omega energy. He spoke of journeys to distant galaxies, providing for the world's fundamental needs, and curing devastating disease.

This feeling was intensified when her father became seriously ill and ended up joining a test program at Clarion Corp that was aimed at remedying previously incurable ailments. But after a few weeks away, Nao's father returned home a shell of his former self. Not only were his physical ailments still present, but his mind was gone as well. Nao was distraught and believed there must be some mistake, some corruption, at Clarion Corp that had caused this.

Idealistic as ever, she resolved to discover what had happened to her father and root out the corruption at Clarion Corp. A few years later, her talents landed her a job in the company's R&D division. She still believed in the organization's mission and in Rasmus' vision for the future and worked tirelessly to develop new technologies that utilized Omega energy. In time, her work was noticed by Rasmus himself and, in characteristically bold fashion, he made her the Director of the secretive, yet prestigious, "Special Projects" division.

Before she joined, Rasmus told her a few important things: the projects she would witness in this division were his life's work and could change the world if given proper care, but the work was not without difficulty and she must remember that any sacrifices they would make, of themselves or others, would benefit the world many times over in the future. While unsettled by this framing, Nao agreed and took on the new role.

As she gained more and more exposure to the work of the Special Projects division, her idolized image of Rasmus and Clarion Corp began to fray. Rasmus was callous—he treated their test subjects, and his employees , as expendable. She wondered if this callousness was what had led to her father's deterioration and if it wasn't so much a bug as a feature of Clarion Corp's operations.

Amidst these revelations, Nao put on a bold face and made a resolution to herself. She became increasingly confident that the corruption at Clarion Corp was Rasmus himself. She knew that to bring him down she would need to compile an airtight case against him. She would need to become Rasmus' most trusted confidant and gain full exposure to his plans and projects. To aid her, she developed an assistant bot, which she named VIGIL, that secretly documents every interaction and every bit of information she finds within the Special Projects division.

A feeling of despair nestled itself in Nao's mind alongside this resolution—to take down Rasmus she would need to become complicit in his acts and, in so doing, lose a part of herself. But like Rasmus had said, sometimes we must make sacrifices to benefit the world many times over.



Concept Art

Liyart-nao.jpg Liyart-nao2.jpg


See: Nao/Quotes


See: Nao/Trivia

Patch History


  • Proximity Drone [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 10s → 12s
  • Base Stats
    • Speed: 460 → 455


  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 460
    • Power :: 100 → 90
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1100


  • Stagger growth Tier :: 250 → 125
    • Cooldown :: 40s → 45s
    • % Missing Health Healed :: 50% → 40%
    • Range :: 1600 → 1500
    • Disarm Time :: 0.6 → 0.5


  • Proximity Drone [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 12 → 10
    • PvP damage and knockback :: 110 (+55% Power) → 100 (+50% Power)
    • Core knockback :: 1200 (+110% Power) → 1180 (+100% Power)


  • Stagger growth :: 375 → 250
    • Cooldown :: 10 → 12
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 140 (+70% Power) → 110 (+55% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1260 (+140% Power) → 1200 (+110% Power)
    • Disarm Time :: 0.8 ->0.6


    • Cooldown :: 7s → 6s
    • Drone Duration :: 3.25 → 3.5
    • Cooldown :: 12s → 10s
    • Explosion radius :: 575 → 650


    • Minimum recast time :: 0.2 → 0.1
    • Cooldown :: 8 → 7
    • Duration :: 3.0 → 3.25
    • Knockback & Damage :: 150 (+75% Power) → 160 (+80% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1220 (+125% Power) → 1260 (+140% Power)
    • Time to Destroy (How long enemies need to step on it) :: 0.65 → 0.8
    • Range :: 1250 → 1500
    • Blink duration :: 0.5 → 0.4


  • Released

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